The Funeral

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I heard a gun shot then felt blood on my hand.

"Sh*t, No No No Bank", I screamed grabbing him. He was still breathing but he wasn't moving or talking. I searched his body for a gun shot wound but I couldn't find the source of the bleeding. Then i look at his head again there was a deep scratch but no hole.

"Thank You Jesus", i said .

I must have pushed the gun out of the way right before he pulled the trigger. So the bullet only skid his skin but deep. But that still didn't explain all the blood. As i began to get light headed i could hear police sirens. Thats when i realized why I couldn't find the bullet and where the rest of the blood came from. Bank wasn't the only one who got shot.

*** End Flashback ***

Its been a hard week and half. I lost my second dad and almost lost a brother. Sh*t I almost lost my own life.

"How ya holding up" i said as i rested my good arm on his shoulder.

"Good, I guess", he said resting his arm on my head.

Weve done this whole resting thing since we was kids but it was kind of funny noticing that we put are arms on the opposite persons injured area.

The whole day we had been consulting family && tryna stay strong, but thats when all hell broke lose.

I heard a ratchet voice scream my name and I already knew who it was.

"Melvin Soyers"

"O HELL NAW, not today Casey you gotta go", Bank said pushing her loud mouth ass out the door.

"Get off me B*tch"

"Mel get ya girl before i do"

"Boy shutup cuz you aint gon do nun f*cking pussy"

I one hundred and ten percent hate this female. She drives me insane && if she come at me about dat baby, i think i might just lose it && pimp slap a hoe. Today is not the day to be playing with me.

"Watchu want girl", i said rubbing my hand across my face.

"I want my child support money, don't know why you steady frontin saying dis baby ain't yours."

She always putting her damn finger in my face when she know i don't like that sh*t, but she also know that i wont hit a female so she continues to provoke me.

"cuz it aint", i yelled at her. Im so sick of this trick, like she pushin it fo'real.

"well i just wanted to let you know that i filed a report on dat ass, so ima get my money either way", Casey said moving closer to me. "Or you can pay with something else", she said as she slid her hand down the front of my body.

I snatched her had before she reach her destination, "What part of we are done you ain't getting, you know that ugly ass baby aint mine you just tryna press charges on me cuz think thats gon get me back, HELL NO! Ion want nothing to do with you or anything you got going on. You know I'm not the father of that baby and you probably not even sure if you da mom && you wanna know why Casey cuz you a HOE who 26 still tryna act like she 21 and make some money off some baller so she can keep doing what she been doin wit her life, nothing. You crusty and that pussy is ran through. When you get a job, learn how to keep your legs closed, and find out who the real parents of this baby Sasquatch with limbs is then you can come holla at me okay, but until then we gon need foe yo ratch ass to leave the premises. Thank You !"

She just stood there wit that dumb confused look she always have on her face. She always want somebody to feel sorry for her aint nobody playing wit Casey no more. She getting to old to be playing them same games we was playing at 21 its time for her to grow up.

"so thats how you feel, well let me tell you something just remember what you owe me cuz I'm not letting sh*t go negro && for some ran through pussy you sure smashed", she said rolling her eyes.

"it was brand new when i hit remember", i said walking away from the situation.


Tanti && Aunty Chanel had just got off the plane to && we headed to my new crib. When i unlocked my house it wasnt all that clean but i did start cleaning before I went to go get them from the airport.

"The crib is tuff baby girl", say Tanti

"You know i try", i say not trying to sound aggregate. Im not one to brag or gloat, wasn't raised that way don't think ill be ever act like that.

"So is yall gon keep talking or we gon get to work", Aunty Chanel was right we need to get started as soon as possible so we can just get of this over with. Plus i went through Aunty's suit case and saw the ingredients for her special gumbo, lord knows how I've missed that.

After a couple hours of cleaning the entire house from top to bottom && sorting some of the clothes that Tanti and Aunty had packed for me or shipped to me over the past week. Plus being that I'm almost five months pregnant not I'm really not supposed to be doin all this movin around like i was today. But I don't like other people doing things for me when I can still do them myself.

"Soooo Nyoming, Boy or Girl ?", of course Tanti noisy butt would wanna know.

"I dont know, i wanna be surprised", thats what I would always say knowing that I honestly wanted a boy.

"That's stupid, how we gon know what clothes to buy the baby", Aunty said in her feisty tone.

"Buy both then which ever we don't need donate em' or take em' back."

"Duh Aunty", I said laughing with Tanti.
Then we heard a knock at the door. I won't expecting nobody, so I took extra precautions.

Tanti look at me as if to say why you aint answer the door. So, I gave her that look && she strapped up real quick. Especially since we both know Snoop been looking for me, NO chance i was gon open the without being safe.

"Who is it?", i said with Tanti standing on the other side of the door ready to blow a nigga head off.

"Its Mel, open up ugly", he said

I called off Tanti the American Snipper && opened the door. I was wondering what he was doing here considering he was supposed to help me move in but he told me he had a funeral to go to.

"I brought you a house warming gift", Mel said with this big ole cheesy smile on his face. The boy don't listen i can tell you that much. We've been friends for at least 3 months now so he obviously knows that I don't like surprises.

"What is it boy, a plant", i said until i saw this big ole Ashley trick pull up. This negro brought me furniture and not just a couch, there was a bed with a mattress, two couch sets, a dresser, a dinner table, a baby crib, ect. You'd think we was together all this money this boy just spent on me. When they where done completely unfurnished house was now completely furnished. All the furniture was beautiful, gotta admit Melvin got some good taste.

"Do I get a thank you", he said putting his arm around me.

"Thanks, you gotta let me repay you", i spoke gratefully.

"Free of charge && I wont take no for an answer", he said in his really husky voices.

I was so grateful to have a friend like him.

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