chapter 6

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Today's the weekends so I didn't need to go to school and my part-time job is in the afternoon so I guess I'll play with my phone in the meantime since I literally have both to do.


Oooh right I guess I shouldn't be lazy and go buy some groceries cause if I don't I'll have nothing to eat and not just that my fridge is almost empty *sight* well better get changed, I was about to go out but then my phone rang, oh it's (b/f) wonder why is she calling "hello (b/f)" I answered "oh hey (Y/n) my parents are not going home for a week soooo wanna come to my place and have a sleepover with me and katrelle" she answered me back quite excitingly at that "shire that would be fun" I mean I have nothing to do so why not? "well see you later bye" I ended the call, wait what was I suppose to do again.....ah that's right I need to buy some groceries

I arrived at the convenience store and began to buy food and I guess some snacks too since I'm going to (b/f) house, I bought all of the stuff I came here to buy so I was going out of the convenience store and walking home but while I was walking home I saw Jotaro I tried to ignore him but he wasn't having any of that instead he come up to me and said "hey I think you need some help carrying those" since I bought a lot of stuff in the store the things I'm carrying is pretty heavy "oh no it ok I'm fine" but I refuse his offer "just give it to me" wait why is he yelling at me and moreover why is he trying to help me "oh uhhh umm o-ok here" I gave him the other bag of food since I have two of them well I could keep on refusing but in the end, I bet the Jotaro would just get angrier if I keep on refusing his help so I didn't

We walked together until we reached my home "um can I get my stuff now" I ask "no that's fine I'll just go in and put it inside" Jotaro replied with no hesitation in his voice "w-wait whaaaat n-no you can't" I stuttered and not just that I was FREAKING OUT I mean if a man that you rarely know ask you if he can come in the answer would be obviously NO "is there any problem" Jotaro asked,well of course there is but if I refuse he might get angry so I guess I don't really have a choice "no it's fine come in" and so he followed me in and put my stuff in the kitchen "hey so where's your parents I never really see them the only time I saw them was when you were in elementary and that was a long time ago" oh right he went to the same school with me since elementary and my parents were still with in in elementary,they left me when I was in middle school but why would he want to know about my parents "there.........not here right now" I replied to his question "oh I see well good bye see you" he said farewell and left my house closing the doors

Right when he left I felt guilty for not saying the truth but I couldn't bring myself to talk about my past, still, why would he ask something like that he's not the type to bud into other people's business I think.....ugggghhh forget about that I still need to eat lunch, go to work and have a slumber party with my best friends  


I went to (b/f) house with a change of clothes and some snacks that I bought earlier "yoooo (Y/n) you made it" (b/f) excitingly said, "yeah I did, is katrelle here too?" I asked and (b/f) replied with a "yes" "oh right I also brought some snacks with me wanna eat it with me" I asked with excitement "absolutely" katrelle suddenly ran out of the room and shouted "ok but you shouldn't shout if you don't want the whole entire neighborhood listening" I scolded her with a smirk I guess that isn't really a scolding is it ugh forget about that

I took a shower in (b/f) bathroom and then change my clothes to my pajamas after that we all went to (b/f) room and talk about stuff...I guess, then katrelle asked me to play a game "hey (Y/n) let's play a game, truth or dare" she ask ooooh so this is why she is so excited "truth" I answered but then (b/f) bud in and ask "who's your crush" "I don't have any" I answered again "ok then if you're going to hang out with someone who will it be oh and it needs to be a boy" (b/f) asked again since I couldn't answer the first one "ummm I guess kakyoin" I replied "wait so it's not Jotaro" Katrelle ask me with no hesitation "wait what why would I hang out with someone who I barely know" I shouted with my face blushing "oh really so why are you blushing then (Y/n)" why is katrelle asking me all of these "you know what it's already late let's go to sleep and besides I'm tired" I told both of my best friends that's teasing me "ughh fine your no fun (Y/n)" they both agreed and began to go to where there going to sleep


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