chapter 21

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Korra awoke with a start, pain filling her right arm causing her to panic. However when she looked down she instantly calmed.

No wonder my arm’s numb….Asami has a death grip on me.

She thought chuckling as she gingerly traced a trail of dried tears on the other girl’s pale skin, a frown painting itself across her lips as guilt gnawed at her.

Glancing over at Naga who was sleeping nearby she sighed and sat up and glanced at her clock, seeing that it would soon be sunrise.

Gingerly pulling her arm out of Asami’s grip she repositioned herself so that it was thrown over the taller girl.

I am such an ass….I took my frustration out on her and she was just worried about me.

The young avatar thought bitterly, however to her surprise green eyes slowly met hers.

“I’m sorry…Did I wake you?” she asked, earning a yawn in reply.

“No. I think the pain in my neck did.” The engineer replied in a sleep deepened tone as she rubbed the back of her neck.

“Well you kind of fell asleep in a weird position…plus you was using my arm as a pillow and that couldn’t have been comfortable.” The avatar chuckled, flexing her fingers to try to return some feeling into them.

“I did….Sorry.” Asami replied and Korra could have sworn that she had blushed.

Korra smiled lightly at this and leaned back against the headboards.

“Nothing to be sorry about.” She retorted before worry came across her face again.

“Asami…I’m sorry I was a total jerk earlier. I didn’t even consider your feelings at all...but I couldn’t forgive myself if you got sick because of me. I believe you about the Raava thing….though I am thoroughly pissed at her for doing this to you.” She added, turning to look at the taller girl who seemed to be more interested in the covers.

“I’m sorry too...I should have told you.” Asami replied, earning a glare.

“No the only thing you should have done was take better care of yourself.” She grumbled, before adding “how about this….I try to get better you try to take care of yourself.”

Asami smiled then, glad that even for the moment the old Korra seemed to be back. “Okay.”

Naga even seemed to notice her master’s change in tone because she lightly poked her nose against Korra’s side, begging to be rubbed.

“I think she was getting jealous.” The avatar joked lightly, rubbing the dog like beast behind the ear before adding “You know….it amazes me how quickly she took up with you. I mean sure she’s great with Tenzin’s kids and would never hurt them but she has never taken up with someone as quickly as she did with you.”

Asami was surprised by this. She had seen the polar bear dog lick Mako and Bolin on more than one occasion

“What?” she managed to question just as the creature nuzzled against her affectionately.

“She loves people but you’re the first person she has fully trusted around me since I’ve been hurt….well besides Tenzin’s brood and my parents. Mako even said that she growled at him when he came into my room to check on me while I was still unconscious.” Korra explained, watching as the heiress petted Naga.

“You know…I wouldn’t peg you as one who would take to animals.” The southerner added after a few minutes of watching the two.

“It’s not like I don’t like them…I kind of never was around them before. I was always either in a lesson of some sort or going to galas with my dad. I didn’t exactly have a normal childhood.” Asami answered, trying to push Naga’s massive head away as she tried to lick her.

“Well think you’ve got a friend for life.” The avatar chuckled before adding “let’s try to get some more shut eye before we have to get up…I don’t want any more awkward ass questions form my cousins if I can help it.

Asami laughed at that and turned toward her, propping herself up in one arm.

“They interrogated you too huh?” she questioned, earning an exaggerated groan from the darker skinned girl who answered

Yeah Eska did….You got it lucky. Desna is the slightly less creepy of the two.”

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