chapter 39

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“Look…I’m sorry for being a pompous ass back there.” Korra told her cousin’s later that night, earning a surprised look in response, though that melted quickly enough back into the twin’s usual mask.
“You are always a pompous ass.” Desna retorted, causing the avatar to sigh.
“Look…I know we might not be close or anything but it gave me no right to say what I did.” Korra admitted, causing the two to exchange looks.
“We accept your apology, cousin.” Eska stated, though as she turned away Korra could have sworn she saw a flash of sadness flicker in the slightly younger teen’s eyes. 
“I can’t explain it Asami….I have Never seen any reaction from them before. The closest thing to emotional they’ve ever gotten was during the harmonic convergence.” Korra stated as she lay back unto the bed, earning a sigh from Asami who was sketching something at the desk across the room.
“You didn’t stop to think that maybe that was a mask? That they just don’t express themselves around people?” The engineer replied, not looking up from her paper.
The avatar sighed again and rolled onto her stomach, her face scrunching as if she was deep in thought.
“But why would someone act like that? I mean honestly I’ve seen more reaction from a Ming snake than I have them.” She wondered aloud, earning a shrug.
“If you’re that curious why don’t you try to get to know them? They’re not going to feed you to dark spirits or something.” Asami muttered, erasing something from the paper before scribbling something else.
“You don’t know…They might. I’m sure Eska still thinks I wanted to marry Bolin myself or something.” The avatar chuckled, earning a light laugh.
“Didn’t you two go out like once or something?” The emerald eyed girl stated in response, earning a laugh.
“That was a disaster that I don’t want to talk about. I’d be more willing to kiss a moose lion in the mouth than to relive all of that mess!” Korra exclaimed, only to cause her girlfriend to start laughing harder.
“Was Bolin that bad or was that when you basically made Mako cheat on me?” Asami retorted after calming down, causing the bronze skinned girl to blush violently.
Lost for words the universal bender wrecked her brain for something to say, though she found no excuse suitable.
Asami only laughed and shook her head as she stood up and climbed up onto the bed.
“Korra, I already know. Bolin told me that whole story.” She giggled after watching her girlfriend make a fool out of herself for several minutes.
“Then why did you ask if you already knew?” Korra demanded as she sat up, sounding angry though the color in her cheeks showed how embarrassed she was.
The ceo just shrugged and sat back against the pillows as she answered
“Honestly I just wanted to see what you would say.”
Falling back onto the bed beside of the other girl, she shot Asami a dirty look.
“You better be glad that you’re cute.” She stated, causing the Ceo to blush and look away.

Meanwhile outside Eska sat with her back against Naga, the hood to the parka that she wore pulled up around her face as she stared out onto the bleak darkness that was the ocean.
“Sister…sitting out here lamenting will not change the past.” Desna’s voice stated though he took a seat beside his twin who leaned against him.
“I know brother…It is only that….Sometimes I wish…” She began, though she did not dare continue the thought.
Desna closed his eyes as he leaned back against the polar bear dog, one arm finding its way around his sister’s shoulders.
“I know…I long for that as well.”
He could feel Eska move closer to him, her head finding itself resting against the crook of his neck though he didn’t open his eyes.
“I think no less of you for feeling badly….Nor will anyone here.” He assured, letting the façade drop as he added bitterly
“Father is not here to make his stupid affronts.”

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