chapter one a rivalry is born

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I look out my window at the town of sagorita Below. this town isn't much but it's home it has everything we need to survive food, water, electricity plus this town has something you can't find anywhere else in the world inhumans people strong enough to whipe out humanity. I'm one of the few in this town with no power or so I used to think after all I'm just the town's fisherman I sell the fish I catch for the money to buy the essentials for living but little did I know that the world was about to change

Isla de mara volcano 45:00 hours until the ghidorah brother's meet toshira

Ni: are we sure Ken's even still alive down there

San: it is odd how could someone even go that long without any food

Ni: san has a point ichi maybe we should leave before-

Ichi: Shut up, we'll leave when we find ken

San: fine I'll go look to the left side

Ni: I'll take right

Ichi: that leaves the middle for me

The three split up san looks around until he finds a trail of scales leading deeper into the volcano

San: maybe this guy's deeper down

San pulls out a phone and calls Ni first ni rushes to san's side

Ni: ok let's go

The two walk down to see there target ken oshira a criminal with the power of a God as the ghidorah brother's refer to those like them san pulls his two maces then uses them to drag out the former criminal then calls ichi then the meet up and head out

San Francisco 38:00 hours before the ghidorah brother's meet toshira

???: miss Henderson the ghidorah brother's wish to see you in there office

Trish: how many times have I told you call me Trish

The woman walks up on her way she notices people transferring ken to the infirmary she gets on the elevator as she gets off she sees san standing out side the office of the ghidorah brother's

San: oh wow so you're the God my brother's settled on working with that's interesting i never thought you'd be worth our time but I can sense your power from here

Trish: I'm Trish Henderson but when were on the battle field call me destroyah

San: understood I look forward to working with you and I hope we can become good friends oh and please come in my brother's are waiting for us

Ichi: ah miss Henderson it's good to see you made it to our establishment safe and sound

Trish: with all do respect please call me Trish there's no need to be professional ichi

Ni: let's get on with it you said you had some recruits for us

Trish: ah yes, I'll have them come right up

A few minutes pass and the door opens a girl and man walk through behind them are two more men

???: I presume you are the ghidorah brother's

Ni: yeah and you are

Zilla: my name is none of your business just call me zilla ok

Ichi: you two in the front who are you

The girl stays quite as the man walks up

Isura: I'm isura nute and that's my younger sister Annie nute we are bionicially inhanced beings that are more than willing to help you in your cause call us the mecha twins

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