Chapter Twenty-One: Listen to him Octavia

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" Excuse me - woah, watch it" leaning my hand against the wall, K still leaning against me as we try to navigate our way past the boys fighting.

" Sorry" Don shouted, throwing the man into the wall right infront of us. My hand gripping K shirt as the big man stands up, looking towards us.

To only get sidetracked onces he is tackled to the ground..

" Thank you" Muttering under my breathe as we side step past them as I kick another trying to escape from Ash with my foot. His head snapping to the side.

Making our way past the massacre behind me.

The weight slowly crushing me as time goes on. Damn he is one heavy boss.

" Keep going, its gonna take a long time to get sir up their anyways. Try and do that whilst we finish up" Paul shouted as I catch a look of worry pass Ash's face but quickly disappears once the big man swings for his head.

" We will be waiting" K shouted, the red flashes continuing as the loud beeping sounds become louder. Well it seems like it!

Making our way to the end of the hall, we take a left. As the sounds of punching fades away I could feel eyes on me.

" Why did you come here, when I sent you on a mission?" He questioned, his calm facade fading as he raised his eyebrows. His voice turning into the one of demand.

" I- I wanted to save you?" I responded, as we slow down. K's leg becoming worse by the second.

" You wanted to or needed to?" The command in his voice overtaking his original one as I began talking involuntary.

" I needed to, we couldnt of gone on without you" My real thoughts coming out.

Holding myself back before I spill everything..

" You think right kid, you can't do this without me. Remember if I die, your all coming with me?" His sick voice echoed through the halls as i refrain from punching him in the face.

If I did that, it really would be over for us.

Spotting the ladders to only be stopped. A voice, his voice.

K freezes, anger rising in his eyes.

" Well, well, well. What do we have here?" His voice makes even the nicest people turn ugly.

" Ahh, Travis what a pleasant suprise" Letting go off me as he rests his hand against the wall.

If hes trying to play as if hes not hurt and is still strong and ready to fight, then hes the stupidest person I know.

I swear every man i know is stubborn.

" That's Mr. Reid to you" Smiling as bright as day. Slowly making his way towards us, the red flickering continued as his smile just looked creepy.

" You so very wish" K spat, as Travis eyes makes his way to me, my hand clenched.

" Ahh, Octavia how long has it been. Damn you have grown into such a beautiful women, have you learned to control your mechanics yet?" He questioned, however before I could respond with something sarcastic. K stands infront of me.

" You are not talking to her" His command being obeyed involuntary as he smirked.

" Damn, still using that voice. How pathetic, cant even control a situation without using that control mechanism" Laughter echoing throughout the halls.

My eyes lighting the red they once were as I glare, glare right into the side of his head.

" Damn that's hot" Placing his hand against the area I had attempted to burn holes through.

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