Chapter 14

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"Lupin, what the fuck happened out there?" Remus sat gasping for breath in the locker room after a match. He just wanted to be left alone but Greyback was staring down at him, his eyes flashing with anger. "You let them get the ball so easy?"

Remus didn't reply. Couldn't, even if he wanted to. His head was spinning with exhaustion and there were little sparkly dots in the corner of his vision.

"You been pigging out, huh? Was that why you failed?" Greyback spat. "You are a failure. Can't stick to any kind of regiment, can't follow instructions, you are weedy. Pathetic. Weak. Look at you,"

Remus clenched his jaw and bit back a reply. Fenrir only wanted what was best for him. It was Remus' fault that he didn't stick to the diet plan. He would do better, prove that he wasn't a disappointment, prove that-

"I regret ever having met you. What did I even see in you? Can't believe I ever thought you'd be any good," Greyback snapped.

Sunday November 10th

Remus woke up gasping for breath. His head throbbed and for a moment, he was transported, and he was 17 again. But he then rubbed his eyes and realised that he was okay, he was in Mary's flat, he was fine.

Wait, how did he get here?

Last he remembered, he was at the pub with Sirius, and then some rugby-guy came over and- oh. That explains the throbbing head then. He sat up too quickly and let out a groan, collapsing back onto the bed. He heard the door open and then;

"Remus? Are you awake?"

"Mary?" He muttered.

"Yes, Remus, it's Mary. Sirius is just making you some breakfast,"

Remus sat up again (slowly, this time) and opened his eyes. Mary was stood in front of him and her mouth was puckered with worry. She reached over and pressed something cold against the side of Remus' head and he sighed in contentment as it began to numb the pain that had been bothering him.

"Do you remember what happened?" She said quietly.

"Not really. Punched that guy, didn't I? Would be foolish to think he wouldn't punch back," Remus chuckled.

"He was worse off, though," Remus looked over to see Sirius leaning against the door frame, grinning.

"Yeah?" Remus grinned back, wincing only slightly.

Mary tutted.

"Well, let's see," Sirius walked over and sat next to Remus on the bed. "You punched that guy, broke his nose, he punched back, then you managed to get him on the floor and he ran like the absolute wimp he is, only you were a little unsteady on your feet and so I called Mary to help get you back here,"

"Sirius slept on the sofa. Didn't want to leave until he knew you were alright," Mary remarked with a knowing stare, which Remus pointedly ignored.

"Thanks for letting me," Sirius replied. "Reckon I gave your roommate a fright, though,"

"Serves her right, don't think she's taken the rubbish out once since she moved in," Mary replied, slightly irritated.

"Ah, roommate troubles, is that what's waiting for me?" Sirius said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Remus looked up.

"I reckon Lily and James will be moving in together any day now, will probably want to live together just them,"

"I'll just finish up in the kitchen..." Mary handed Sirius the ice pack and, on her way out, winked at Remus. He would've rolled his eyes in response but his head ached too much.

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