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AUTHOR - @aliciamarino (an evil, evil woman) 


STORY LINE - fast paced, action packed (not just the normal action people ;) *mischievous grin*) 

PLOT - I have to give it to her, the plot is one of the most unique I have seen. 


Cassandra is a woman without a last name, a woman who has toiled through life just grazing the edge of survival. To her, the world is bleak and disappointing...That is until she realizes the part of the world she's seen is just a veil over the immortal one. And that her displacement has been founded and prophesied for centuries. She is a seer, a prophetess. Locked within her are the answers her tireless, blood-hungry predators search so longingly for.Her purpose is suddenly known. Like a flame to wick, everything around her ignites and burns, throwing her into the unknown, into an even tougher feat of survival.She must take shelter with a man, a stranger, someones who until this point in her life had been only mythical. Lost in Siberia, she will need to flee and disappear under his protection.There's only one problem.He's an immortal who thrives on blood. A vampire, a deserter from his species.And he's irresistible.


Oh, elijah...*swoon*

One of the the best vampire books you will ever read, I garauntee you. Action packed, good pace... It'll be like reading a published paperback... Almost. The only thing that sets this apart is the absence of the smell of paper. I promise you that you will never regret reading this

Although I have to warn you, this is not for the faint hearted. Like I said, Alicia Marino is an evil, evil woman, possibly one of the most twisted authors I have ever met besides myself, and she will go to the ends of earth to keep you reeling from reading this book

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Until the next recommendation, adios homies

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