Kylers P.O.V

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I walked into the pool hall, where I had heard a rumor that Jerimiah would be here. Also according to rumor he has an extreme gambling problem.

I spotted Jeremy right away and walked up to him. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"What? Who are you??" He asked aiming a shot. I yanked the pool stick out if his hands from behind.

"What the fuck!?!?!?" He rawred spinning around and sizing me up.

"I'm Liam's new boyfriend, you worthless piece of shit." I shouted.

"Looky here. Another fag."

"Fag means cigarette, you dumb fuck." I said in a patronizing tone.

"Oh yeah? Well you "cigarette" lets get out of here, and deal with this like men."

"Fine lets go."

We walk out into an alley on the left side of the pool hall. He spun around and faced me.

"Do you really wanna do this fag?" He spat at me.

"Anything for Liam."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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