Wilbur! Part 2

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I opened my eyes and see not such bright light but it still hurt my eyes  "Wilbur?...Dad?..."  I tried looking around but i coudnt move my head i was like frozen?

"Tommy!? You're awake!"  Wilbur came running to my side he looked scared and despearate  "WIlbur? Why cant i move my head?"  I can only see some things i dint want to panick but it was hard not to in this situation  "Tommy dont worry you're fine its just a small effect from the portion Phil gave you for you're wings.."  I remembered my wings i got shot,the pain,darkness filling my vision,the per-  "Nightmare...."  I wispered lowly making Wilbur look at me  "What? Did you say something Tommy?"  "No"  I didnt want to worry him more

"Boys i got some more potions with the help of Techno-"  Phil froze when he saw me awake i couldnt really see hes expression since i coundt move my head  "Dad,Techno!"  I laughed at the end it was a while when i last saw Techno and Dad

I heard footsteps come towards me  "Hey kid.How are ya?"  I smiled  "Im fine Blade"  Wilbur started to play hes guitar i closed my eyes falling back into the familiar darkness 

"Heh Wilbur he likes your playing"

"Why do you say?-Oh he fell asleep"

"When you started to play your guitar"

There voices where far...but calming 

"Hello Thomas...we meet once again"  I turned around and see him Nightmare  "Hello NIghtmare"  He walked closer to me   "How have you been since you have woken up?"  I guess this is how you start a conversation right now  "Well i couldnt really move anything only my eyes and facial expression...but i think good"  I gave a small smile  "Well i can....this might sound like a bad idea but i can take control of you're body and move you will be able to see but not really feel anything?"  I noded and he reached out hes hand  "You just gotta shake my hand"  I did again i felt a small shock

Then light the light of where i was when i woke up the first time  

N-"Thomas...no one is here and its dark out outside..."  I heard Nightmare's voice echo in my head  "Its okay just go outside i want to see outside again"  N-"Alright"   Nightmare walked to the door he walked out i felt a cold rush of air to my face  "Nightmare its cold outside"  N-"I know but dont worry its not raining at least"  It was like a 360 movie but i felt small things  N-"Thomas someone is coming!"  I saw no one i wasnt the one in control i only saw things not move my body  "U-uh fly!"  I quickly thought back to my wings  N-"Thomas this isnt even my body how am i supose to move you're god dam wings!?"  "Then go lay back down!And let me have my control back"  He ran back inside laying down quickly and closing hes eyes making both of us go back into total darkness







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