New Life

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Hey! I'm Perrie, Perrie Edwards, I'm 18 years old I love peace , I hate wars, I can live anywhere just in peace...I love music, and singing makes me feel alive...I'm a French girl, well I used too...after the death of my mother me and my dad moved to the UK exactly in Bradford...I prefer Paris where I used to live and where all my friends mother died in an car accident this year was a nightmare I didn't smile for 3 months that's insane, I never tried to live away from her cuz she was here in anytime I needed her, but no one or nothing's gonna give her back to me, she's gone, my dad is always working he never had time for me or for her when she was here, it's 22:02 and I'm looking at the mirror and thinking of all what happened in the last months it was like hell I wish it was just a nightmare but it's life, she takes from us people we love, people who means the world to us people we can't imagine the life without them being around maybe to show us that no mater what life keep going and the earth keep spinning to make new days, new chances and new dreams or maybe to show us how much the person means to us and show us life without them or maybe to give us other persons we continue are life with...anyways, no one can take my mother place in my heart she has a special place...I think I've heard a voice...yeah my dad's calling me downstairs

"Perrie...Perrie..."my dad calling me

"Yes dad"I replayed

"Can you come downstairs please?" He said, with a sad voice

"Yes sure dad...coming"I said, going downstairs " what's happening dad?" I said as I was scared after all this couldn't be worst

"Yes...I had a call from Paris and it was about your mother"he said, with a sad face

"And..." I said confused want to know more

"And...they...they..." He said

"They what dad...come on!"I said, wanted to know more... is my mom alive

*flash back*
My mom died in a car accident and they were thinking that her body burned when the car exploded...after some research they said that the body wasn't even in the car when she exploded and they said probably the force of the explosion ejaculated her from the car and she's somewhere in Paris and they will find her soon and she can't be alive...or she escaped from the car before the explosion and with all what happened she could have an amnesia and means she lost all her memories
*end of the flash back*

"They said that they found some bodies but they don't know for who they belongs and they want me to recognise if one of them is her"he said

"And how could you do that"I said

"I'll go to Paris"he said

"Can I come with you dad I know you can't handle all that alone" I said, with a sad face

"No you can' must study it's your mother wish"he said

"When you gonna go! And what will you do? You can do nothing dad she's dead"I said knowing the sad truth as my tears start to come

"I'll go today or tomorrow and I'll be back in few days, she could be alive and you need her you just have 18 you still need your mother and we mustn't be negative I still have some hope"he said as tears come down his face and it was the first time I see my dad crying

"Dad she's dead no one can change this reality...she's dead"I said crying more than I ever did "do what you want dad but I lost all the hope...I'm in my room if you need something I'm very tired and I have to sleep early I have school tomorrow" I said going upstairs and always crying

"We'll be me"he said and tears always in his eyes

"I trust you dad...I'll always do...good night dad"I said going to my room

"Good night Perrie"he said

In my room lying in my bed I played some music in my phone and crying more than I ever did ... I was thinking about all what happened to me it wasn't easy I hated my life I was looking at the moon from the window as I fell asleep

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