9K 297 604

TW: drug dealing, cursing, shooting.
NOTE: lord idk how many times Im finna repost this but it's staying for good!!! The plot is too good to delete!!




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Luster belonging to the sun turned on the brink of nonexistence the moment one would step inside a rollerskating rink. There was a specific vibe every rink aimed for; one could make an argument that it was a breeding ground for sensuality to take form and spread its wings, taking off into the blackness of a starry night. Light chatter filled the hot rink with a sense of comfortability and boldness to approach an interest you caught sight of from across the building. It wasn't everyday that a rollerskating rink, of all places, would be visited by such a prominent figure in the living underworld and wasn't looking for trouble. The light chatter never died down, though, for they wouldn't recognize the figure in the dim lighting, anyway, especially since he ran out of hair gel and his tresses fell in front of his forehead. He couldn't find his favorite brand of hair gel, so he planned to wear his hair down until the item was restocked.

Neon lights shimmied around the interior, strengthening any sensuality that was already present in the young adults who both rolled on the wooden floor and sat at the snack bar. Folks linked arms and side-stepped along to the beat of the song, moving their arms to propel themselves forward and encircle the rink in its entirety. Despite the salty pretzels and corn-dogs that filled their stomachs, they skated around in shapes for hours, losing themselves in the hypnotic atmosphere whilst not giving a damn about the world for just a couple of hours.

It was one of the best methods of escapism.

Rollerskating was an activity that not only boosted the adrenaline in your system—in favor of all adrenaline addicted citizens—but allowed yourself to get lost in the lights, lost in the music, and, most importantly, lost in the world. Rollerskating gifted all regular skaters with the ability to run away from their problems and bereave themselves for the night, which is why you often witness regular skaters not hooked onto another person.

Many saw loneliness at the rollerskating rink as a sign of aversion to human interaction, but it was never that—never asociality, at least.

(Y/N), for the past five years, has barely been seen outside the house without her pair of bloody red roller-skates, admiring how well the color matched her skin. She'd much rather ditch her classes and take over the skating rink than be a good citizen to society and work hard for her degree.

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