Where There's Smoke...

139 10 0

Spring 2017

Bradley and Stefani had both recognized early in pre-production that their obvious chemistry went well beyond Jackson and Ally. What they felt for each other seemed to be a LIVING thing- as real for the two people behind the characters as it was in those early screen tests on camera. It didn't change the reality of their situation, though. He was becoming a father with Irina, and both of them respected the importance of family too much to act on their feelings when so much was at stake.

He remembered the first night they'd acknowledged it. They had been up for hours writing in her studio, the music flowing almost as quickly as they could get it down. Mark had been there for the first part of the night, but had left around 11pm, smirking about being extraneous in a process that seemed to be moving along towards its conclusion just fine without his assistance. Gaga had rolled her eyes and given him a dirty look in response, which only made him chuckle harder. After seeing him out, she'd gone back into the living room to find Bradley standing and looking out into the darkness.

"Are we that obvious?" He asked, simply.

She sighed, figuring what he meant but not wanting to be the one to have to confirm it out loud. "Mark just likes to give me shit. He's like my brother. It doesn't mean anything..." she trailed off at that last part.

"Doesn't it?" he asked, turning around to face her.

It seemed like they looked at each other for hours.

"Well, it certainly helps when you want to write a hell of a song," she finally responded, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Or make a hell of a love story," he countered, conceding her point and acknowledging how perfect the sentiment was. True, but with just enough distance.

After that, they had held each other and talked, agreeing that while they could recognize the feelings, they had to try and let them go... at least off camera. Neither of them was imagining things, but they were embarking on a journey together where some boundaries were necessary. They had made a promise though-- friendship, and the film, always had to be front of mind.

So, weeks later, when the quiet realization came that he had utterly failed, and was falling completely love with her, Bradley had laughed at his own delusion. Simultaneously, he'd also done his best to deal with it privately, and make sure nothing changed in their interactions on set.

But, he had nearly gone out of his mind when had met Christian.

It wasn't so much who Christian was, or that they were dating. It was how Carino treated Stefani that had made Bradley's skin crawl. Whenever he was around them, he couldn't help but notice the condescension and superiority that seemed radiate off the guy. It was as if he wasn't aware of the fact that she was one of the most talented musicians on the planet.......and that he should be on his knees thanking God for being the one that got to be with her. Instead, Christian was crass and rough with Stefani, micromanaging her and becoming belligerent when anyone, whether on her team or in her family--or even she herself— attempted to intervene. Bradley couldn't stand him, and inwardly seethed at the fact that whenever Christian was on set, the supportive, loving environment that had developed during production suffered.

By that point, Stefani had also noticed the mutual disdain between her boyfriend and....well, really everyone else. For that reason, she attempted to keep him contained on the days he insisted on being around. In particular, she had done her best to keep Christian and Bradley apart, trying to ensure that Christian never witnessed or heard about the easy intimacy that she and her co-star shared.

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