Major Arcana Cards

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These cards carry the most energy. They send out the biggest messages and subject. There are 22 Major Arcana Cards.

The Fool:
- Risky energy (can be both positive and negative)
- Taking a risk
- Starting a new beginning (new job, new love etc.)
Basically someone that is about to start something new and walk into something blindly

The Magician:
- Beautiful, powerful energy
- Very powerful manifesto
- The energy of using all of the tools for your benefit
They have the cups, the wands, the pentacles and the swords (all elements of tarot)
Basically someone who has everything on their table, they have all of the resources available to them

The High Priestess:
- Beautiful, divine and feminine energy
- A lot of reflection and no fear to look at the hard side of things and not be afraid to step up and solve them
- Sits in the energy of intuition
Basically someone who has a lot of confidence and wisdom to be able to trust their instincts and intuition

The Empress:
- Mothering or nurturing energy
- Divine and feminine
-  Also gives off matriarch energy - the head of the family
Typically someone who gives off a lot of love and mothering to those in need

The Emperor:
- Divine energy
- Offering someone opportunity (a job, position)
- They are in charge and the boss
- Values a lot of family
Typically someone who is in charge and is ready to give an opportunity with someone

Note: In a love reading, choosing both The Empress and The Emperor gives off a lovely and wonderful family energy.

The Hierophant:
- Typically a very secure energy
- Shows spiritual beliefs and spiritual journey
- Traditional beliefs or values
Typically someone who has a lot of faith in their beliefs or spiritual values

The Lovers:
- Beautiful, divine energy
- A very beautiful couple, they come together and have energies that support each other
- Talks about perfect harmony between the two
A very good card to appear in readings, typically shows a healthy and equal relationship

The Chariot:
- A very beautiful energy
- Encourages progression and moving forward in life and elevation
- It shows maintaining your independence in a relationship
- Encourages you to be who you are regardless and keeping that progression
Typically someone who is determined to keep progressing in their life and ignore the distractions

- Leo energy 😳
- A distinct remind that you are strong and that you can conquer those things with in you
This is typically pulled by someone who needs to step up and be strong in order to take a risk

The Hermit:
- Recluse energy - very seclusive
- Looking for answers and reflection
- Hermit energy is mostly good but can sometimes be bad
A Hermit typically has to do the work and figure out the things they need to know. Can sometimes become isolated and sad (watch out for this)

Wheel of Fortune (10th card):
- Good fortune energy
- Being the 10th card it implies completion
- It shows good fortune (or luck) in your favour
- Gives many divine blessings
Typically tells someone that they're doing a good thing, the wheel is their favour

- Justice and positive energy
- Making sure that things are fair
- Ensuring that there is balance within a situation
- They should be the judge and the jury - ensuring things run smoothly
This is someone who typically takes charge in being the decider of a situation. They ensure that there is equal balance to situations.

The Hanged Man:
- Calm, positive energy
- A new perspective or spiritual journey
- You should surrender your freedom and allow the universe to do the work for you
Typically someone who is being encouraged to just let go, don't be so uptight. Let yourself go and trust that the universe can show you new things

- Beautiful energy
- A new start or fresh beginning
- Can also sometimes mean literal death - if someone has experienced a death or gone through the feeling of a death
- Not always negative or bad - even if it represents literal death (can show you their  beautiful energy protecting you)
- The sun showing that there is always light and prosperity
Typically someone who is on the verge of a new beginning although could also mean that there is death in their past but bringing through the positives of that loss

- Mediating energies
- Talks about patience and thinking about worrying less, not thinking about time
- Being able to appreciate the differences in others and accept those as they are
Could tell someone that they need to stop forcing others to fake their lives, encourages them to accept people for who they're going to be

The Devil:
- Negative energy
- Energy that they are doing the wrong thing
- There is a blockage and negativity in this persons life
- They are in a place that isn't helping them or their situation
- Doesn't necessarily mean a demon, NOT like an exorcist level of devil....
Typically someone who has baggage and has done some wrong things in their life. This card encourages them to step back and look at their life

The Tower:
- Optimistic and positive energy
- A huge impact or change in your life
- Tower moments - A huge moment that could change your life (Marriage, Death, Birth... for example)
Someone who is going to experience a huge change in their life, it can impact you both positively or negatively.

The Star:
- Beautiful energy
- Talks about being a guiding light to others and that you have much love to pour into others
- Offers a lot of love to others
Typically a role model to someone, they give support and meaning to others, guiding them to be good.

The Moon:
- Confused energy
- Confusion and obvious answers infront of you (it is there within your grasp but you are blinded and unable to see it)
This person could be confused and blinded, looking in all of the wrong places when the answers are right there infront of them

The Sun:
- A lot of positivity and gracefulness in energies
- Being bright and vibrant
- Allowing others to see you as this radiant and beautiful sun
This person typically floats above everyone, this give off joy and happiness to those around them and are typically very happy and bright themselves


- Making a mandatory decision
- Walking in the light and the dark
- Makes the deciding vote to do or not do something (can decide a relationship "yes" or "no")
- "All in or all out"
This person is typically a forceful person, they'll step up to make hard and fast decisions where necessary and won't be afraid to do it

The World:
- Positive, beautiful energy
- Talks about completion and that things are coming full circle - a big reward is coming
- All of the elements come together to create something beautiful and whole
This person can have completed a large task that has brought them to a state of completion and relaxation. It brings a big reward ready for this person.

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