➳phyllis's wedding

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emilia stood at reception watching as jim essentially 'trained' dwight to look for food every time he rebooted his computer. "pam, i swear this is gonna work." emilia whispered as pam shook her head, "there's no way this is gonna work!" pam denied, watching as jim oferred dwight yet another altoid. "no i swear, some scientist trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a ring bell." pam scoffed as jim rebooted his computer once again and dwight stretched out his hand, expecting jim to offer him an altoid or an inbwit. emilia smiled and held out her own hand towards pam. pam swore under her breath and pulled out her purse, handing emilia a fresh five bucks. jim spun around to look at the two, giving emilia a thumbs up when she showed him the money.



"the more i get to know dwight, the more i think he's some sort of social experiment."


"social experiment or not, i'll keep him around if i keep making money off bets."


saturday had come and the whole office personnel found them together for the fifth time that week to celebrate phyllis's wedding.

emilia smoothed out her dress as she approached the church. phyllis was getting married, emilia let out a small sigh. much like any other little girl, emilia had been planning her wedding for longer than she remembered but as time progressed, she found herself doubtful that a wedding was even on the table for her. harry had decided not to attend the wedding with emilia, claiming to be busy but emilia knew otherwise. his brother was in town and that meant he was most likely fishing. fishing.

"wow you clean up well," emilia spun around at the sound of pam beesly's voice. emilia smirked at the girl's teasing. "why thank you pamela, you don't look too bad yourself." emilia linked arms with the receptionist and the two made their way to toward the church. emilia knew that pam was going through a rough time. after she and jim left for stamford, pam broke up with roy. only for jim to return in a relationship with karen.

"wow your wedding would've been beautiful." emilia teased as she and pam took a seat in the pews and pam bumped her shoulder against emilia. the wedding throughly was beautiful but phyllis simply copied every details of pam's previous one, even down to the invitations.

"no way!" pam whispered, nudging emilia and nodding toward kelly kapoor and ryan. emilia's mouth fell open as she spotted kelly kapoor's dress. "she wore white?" emilia whispered yelled. pam nodded, "to a wedding." pam and emilia sat there giggling like school girls. ryan and kelly passed the two, kelly sending them a glare while ryan smirked down on emilia.

kelly never particularly liked emilia, the two just never clicked, however, when ryan joined the company and kelly spotted ryan and emilia leaving the dundies together, she made emilia her competition. little did she know.

pam and emilia sat and conversed for a couple of moments until the familiar music started playing through the speakers indicating that phyllis was about to enter. the two stood up "that's my dress." pam muttered as phyllis entered the room. emilia held back laughter. she really copied every single detail. phyllis began walking down the aisle with michael pushing her father. in his wheelchair. the moment would've been beautiful if michael hadn't tried to completely take over. it seemed that phyllis's father had enough too as he stood up and walked phyllis down the aisle himself, ignoring his struggle.

"ladies and gentleman, for the first time as a couple, mr. and mrs. bob vance!" michael yelled as the priest officiated the wedding. emilia and pam burst out into cheers and applause alongside the rest of the crowd.

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