"New Kid."

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"New Kid?"

Norman POV

(again yeah deal with it)

I woke up to my alarm clock and felt pretty light headed and my nose all stuffy. Well frick im sick great. Welp might as well get ready for the day. I got ready and went downstairs to be greeted with my dad. "Hey Kiddo, how are you feeling?" "I feel sick, can I stay home." "Of course just eat your breakfast and you can go back to bed." I was eating my breakfast while my dad had to go to work and my mom was already at work so i was alone all by myself. Then I got a text from Emma.

Emma : Hey! Where are you?

Norman : I'm sick so i'm at home.

Emma : Oh, maybe we could visit you after school

Norman : Yeah that would be nice.

Emma : Yeah, Well anyways there is a new kid!

Norman :Oh what's their name?

Emma : Oh his name is Ray

Norman: R-Ray? What's his last name

Emma : He didn't tell us

Norman : O-oh then nevermind

Emma : I remember you telling me that you had a boyfriend named ray is that why you asked?

Norman : Yeah I just wanted to know if it was him but there are alot of people named Ray so it couldn't be him.

Emma : Sad, i wanna give you a hug now

Norman : You don't need to

Emma : Say no more i will get my hug one way or another

Norman : I'm scared

Emma is now offline

Norman is now offline


Wow Emma can be really scary sometimes. Welp I gotta get mentaly prepared when Emma barges through my door. Again. I warmed up some soup while listening to some music. I was gettin a little better and I got a text from my Mom.

Mom : Hey Norman me and your Dad are gonna come back home tomorrow are you gonna be ok until then.

Norman : Yeah I'll be fine, my friends are coming over anyways.

Mom : Ok but if you need anything you can always talk to me or your father.

Norman : Thanks Mom i'll see you tmrw.


I put my phone away and heard a knock on my door and I opened it to see Emma Don and Gilda. "Hey Guys." "Hey Norman can we come in?" "Sure come on in.'' I let them in and I walked over to the kitchen where I was gettin some snacks ready and put the TV on and we were talking about school and the homework I missed on. "Hey Norman, the new kid talked about you alot." Gilda told me "He did?" "Yeah and he has the same name as your Ex." Don added "I know Emma told me about it." "You never told us why he broke up with you?" Emma added "Emma we shouldn't invade into this privacy." Gilda snapped at Emma. "No it's fine Gilda i'll tell you guys." "Are you sure?" Gilda asked worried. "Yeah i'm sure, you guys deserve to know." "Ok if you say so." "I was a very over protective boyfriend and i didnt like it when people tried to flirt with him and i got angry at him alot and i blamed a lot of stuff on him but i loved him dearly and i would do anything for him but one day we fought but it lead into the direction of Ray breaking up with me and moved away not so long after." "Poor Child hugs." Emma pulled me into a hug and I felt Don and Gilda hug me also, and I felt so happy to have such great friends. We played games and talked for the rest of the day and then they went home and I cleaned up and went to bed.


Well, thats it for now


Have a good day/afternoon/night

Word Count : 632


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