The Visitor

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Ancient Feudal Japan, Kakato Village

It was a very crisp Autumn today within the forest abundant village. The soft buzz of villagers mingling in the streets, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting in the air, and various streaks of red, yellow and orange paint the ground in warm colors. Stood at the back was the small palace home of the chief as armed guards were on patrol. Signs that trouble was brewing.

"What do you mean that Tsuhime Village has been destroyed?!" The yell of the village's ruler bounced across the throne room. Guards were sweating under their armor but kept it hidden than the scout on his knees who was ready to have a heart attack on the spot. The harsh glare of the heavy set pig that was their lord didn't fully hide the fear in his eyes.

"I'm afraid so! The remainder of my cavalry and I can confirm it. We honestly thought they were merely holding back the debt they owe but then it appeared. The monster that has been destroying settlements left and right in a carnage of pure madness. Ryomen Sukuna had devastated Tsuhime Village!"

Fear and despair instantly folded the room in mere seconds. Servants close to the door of the throne room made a dash to vomit, the guards in the room shivered and the lord himself froze in seconds as his advisor tried to keep the man together. Reactions that fitted what was going on.

Ryomen Sukuna, a sorcerer so powerful that he ruled the Golden Age of Jujustu. Someone who turned into a powerful demon after forsaking his humanity, a monster with two faces and four arms whose magic grew to the point that he was a king amongst his Cursed kind. Death, despair and destruction followed the King of Curses wherever he went in his bloodlust craze.

"That means...our village is next in its path. We're all doomed!!! The King of Curses is coming for our souls!" The scout panicked to the point he fell unconscious to the floor in pure fear, foam dripping from his mouth and eyes rolled to the back of his skull. One of the guards on standby were quick to pull the unconscious soldier out of the throne room. Every detail of their situation sinking in.

"Damn it! My lord, Tsuhime is about three days away from us on horseback alone. If the scout left by morning as requested with his men, then we have until tomorrow's rising sun before that monster comes…! I'm afraid we need to make an offering to the demon to at least stave him off." The lord didn't like the look in his royal advisor's eyes.

They needed a sacrifice.

Outskirts of Kakato Village

Within the thick brush of trees, bushes, bamboo and leafy foliage sat a small hidden clearing. A burst of blue painted the soil, large jagged stones, and the vibrant green in a soft soothing teal. The sounds to follow as the light slowly dies were soft thuds, a click, electrified whir, and then shuffling fabric.

Standing at the center of a once empty opening now stood a young woman. She looked to be around her late teens with a slim form and elegant frame to a 5'10 body. Long, straight raven hair that covered the ears into obscurity and eyes in shadow except the smooth heart face and skin was a soft beige that could be mistaken for peach by make up.

The only thing they wore was a large green and white striped kimono that completely covered the hands, body and even their feet with a large violet ribbon being the only thing keeping it together. "I hope this doesn't fall apart or grab the worst attention. Last time I let Minnie choose the outfit." She tugged at her neck sleeve in annoyance. Almost if the kimono was chafing or plain uncomfortable.

The young woman took a glance at her surroundings. Taking every detail in before shadowed eyes landed on the jagged boulder a few feet away. With a soft smile, the stranger strolled over to the stone and kneeled down to dig out a bit of the ground near it. She sat there for a few minutes before standing up. The fresh hole was now covered and patted down to the point it was invisible to the untrained eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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