Blood and Strength

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I start to come back to consciousness. Inhaling, my nostrils are filled with the sweet, intoxicating scent of Lorenzo. Wait, I jolt up and realise that I am in a strange room. Looking around I realise that I am in Lorenzo's bedroom, but he doesn't seem to be in here. Suddenly all of the memories of the past day slowly start to come back to me.

I start to get up from the bed and my head is feeling light. I push myself to get up anyways and I get to my feet, starting to walk towards the door. I stumble a little on the dress and the heels. I kind of forgot that we are hosting a party. I only hope that I didn't disturb everyone with my outburst on the red head.

I find my way to the staircase and start to head down to the living room. I look around and see Lorenzo, It looks like he is saying goodbye to the last of the guests. I am relieved, I don't think I could bear to talk to anymore people today. I just wanted to relax and wind down. I was feeling extremely tired and felt as though I could sleep for many consecutive hours.

Lorenzo finally noticed me standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. He quickly walks over to me and starts to speak. "Valeria, you should be resting. How do you feel?" He asked with a look of concern in his face. i moved my hands to my belly and I finally answer him after he seems to catch me staring. "I feel much better, I think I was just dehydrated." I brush it off not really wanting him to press on it. "mum told me about your fall, you probably have a slight concussion Valeria, im calling the doctor so she can check you and the baby out okay" he seems so worried

"No really I am fine and so is the baby" Deep down I know that there really was no changing his mind. He is a very stubborn man and there is no changing that. "So Vikkie. She seemed like a lovely girl."

I only receive a slight smirk from my sarcasm. "I mean I can see the appeal, but if that is your type you really had to take a drastic turn to end up with me." I continue to joke.

"Let's just say she was a long time ago and when I stopped paying attention she decided to make some, changes." he states so plainly. "You seem to be giving her all types of attention today." I reply looking away from his intense stare. "Careful Val, green doesn't suit you well." He smirks towards me. His phone starts to beep within his pocket. "I don't know what you are talking about, I was merely observing." I reply, fiddling with my hands.

I look back in his direction and see I have already lost his attention as he seriously types away. I roll my eyes and head over to the kitchen to grab some water. I open the fridge and grab a bottle, turning to the counter I open it. Lorenzo heads over to me, something looks wrong. His normally stoic face now looks aced with frustration. "I have to head to the warehouse. I will be back later." He states and starts to walk away without waiting for a reply.

"Is everything okay?" I question him.

I see his back tense and he lets out a huff as he turns back to me with a clear look of annoyance. "Fine." His one word answer annoys me and I decide to press a little more. He doesn't get to talk to me like I am a child. "You don't seem fine. I can go with you if you would like." I say hoping to get out of the confinement of this house. I like it here, but I love going out and exploring so much more. "No, now stop. I don't owe you an explanation for everything I do." His booming voice scares me as I almost choke on my water. I set the bottle down, staring at him wide eyed.

"As my wife, you don't get to know my business. I will do as I please. Don't leave the house, Brandon will be watching." what did he just say "no fucking way, i my be your wife soon and i am carrying your child, Lorenzo you have no fucking right to talk to me like that. you know full well who i have in my pocket, and Brandon is one of my guys not yours, talk to me like that again and i will leave" im so pissed and he just turns and leaves. Stomping loudly like a toddler. It was a very simple question. He needs to control his anger. It upsets me the way he chooses to respond to something so simple. I hold down the tears threatening to spill over my eyes.

God when did I become too sensitive, this pregnancy is sending my emotions all over the place. I shouldn't let a man have such power over me. I would have never thought to cry at such a simple thing before. I need to toughen my skin. I shouldn't let him have so much sway over my feelings as he does. he is not Gavin, i know he wouldn't hurt me in any way but to have him yell at me, hurts.

I decide I should just do as I am told and chill around the house for a while. I realise that I hadn't really taken any time to myself. I go change into my pyjamas and sit down on the couch and watch some movies.

I wake up suddenly when I hear the front door slam shut. I jump up from the couch and turn to see Lorenzo in the doorway, bloody. His chest is heaving heavily and his eyes still filled with rage. His knuckles turning white from the force that he is holding his phone to his ear with.

I run over to him and he doesn't even glance my way as I stand in front of him with a frantic look hoping that he isn't hurt. "No, you tell the men to wait for my instructions. Take the prisoner to the holding cell for now. We will make an example of him." He practically screams into the phone with crazy eyes.

I have never seen a man this angry. Even when my father came home like this. Every once in a while he would also come home covered in blood, similar to how Lorenzo is now. But Lorenzo had a certain edge to him that scared me senseless.

My mother was always good with situations like this. She knew what they needed, even when they didn't know themselves. I will just follow her example. it hurts to think about my mother and father. they were good people and yet they got taken away from me to soon.

Lorenzo hangs up the phone, but he can't seem to look at me in the eyes. Closing his eyes, he takes a few deep breaths trying to calm his raging breath. I grab his hand and start to walk to the kitchen. He reluctantly follows me as I guide him. "Sit down." I instruct him towards the bar stools that are in front of the kitchen island. He sits down, saying nothing to me.

I grab a washcloth and wet it in the sink. I walk back over to Lorenzo and tell him to take his shirt off. I figured that Lorenzo would have said some sexual comment but he remained silent and didn't move. Setting the wash cloth on the counter, I start to remove his blood stained shirt myself.

I start to undo the buttons and slide it off his torso. This is the first time that I really get to see his bare chest. His body is sculpted by a god. His muscles are toned, well defined and covered in scars. I start to run my fingers over the various scar tissue. From the looks of it Enzo has had many injuries of various kinds. Shots, stabs, burns, you name it and he seems. to have the scar left behind.

He doesn't move a muscle as I do this. He just stares up at me following my eyes as they glance over his torso. I don't want to look his way, so I just watch my finger as I move from each injury to the next.

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