Little Princess

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after Xenia is done with breakfast I wash up the dishes that she was eating out off, when I was done I turned to face her and help her down off the stool, "umm Xenia where is your room so that I can get you ready for the day" I ask smiling at her,  she sighs and takes my fingers and began dragging me along. I take this time to look at all the places we passed along the way. this place has got everything from a family room to a theatre room, why am I not surprised that they have a theater room. we stop at a door and Xenia opens it, I'm guessing this is her room since its covered in frozen wall paper, her room is so cute, I look at her bed and see she already has cloths picked out for the day. I got her washed up and brushed her teeth. when I'm done I get her outfit that was lying on her bed and pit it on her.

" so what do you want to do today?" I ask but she still ignores me and begins playing with her toys, she really doesn't like me or is it just her way of saying she doesn't like having a nanny. my phone lights up as I get a message from my bestfriend.


Victoria-* hey babe how is your new job going?*

Valeria-* I don't know, she doesn't like me*

Victoria-* impossible, your the most likable person I've ever met, give her time, she will warm up to you*

Valeria-* yeah sure, I got to go love you*

Victoria- love you too*


just as I put my phone away and turn to Xenia a block comes flying out of now where and hits me right above my eyebrow.

"Ow shit" I mumble hoping she doesn't hear me cussing, I look down at here where she was sitting and she just has a smile on het face, she is cute but devious. I feel the blood trickling down my forehead and I rush to the bathroom to get the first aid kit, why the hell would she do that I ask like someone is going to answer me, after I clean the cut up I walk back to Xenia  in her room and she is looking at me like she is ready for a scolding but I just sigh. she is shocked that I didn't scold her obviously, I head back down stairs and into the living room and sit on the couch, I was surprised that I know where I was going, shortly after Xenia came down stairs and in the living room to me with her arms crossed, "what is it sweetie?" I ask with a smile "I wan food NOW!!?" Xenia demands, I am beyond shocked but what did I expect she is an only child and her father us filthy rich, so of course she is going to be spoilt. but now while I am here, I cross my arms as well and sit back in the couch, " when you ask the right way I will gladly make you some mac n Cheese but until then I am not making you anything" I say with a stern voice 

" I want it NOWW!!!" she screams and begins to cry, she is starting to throw a tantrum and I let her, I don't care how many times she screams and cry's, enough is enough. Suddenly the maids and butlers rush into the living room looking scared as fuck. I look over at them 

"is everything okay ma'am?" the maid asked with worry all over her face, god don't they know how to handle a child screaming the place down "everything is fine don't worry I know what I am doing" I say looking at then with a smile to calm then enough, Xenia finally stops crying and screaming, she walks up to me, the maids and butlers look terrified "Valeria can you make me something to eat....pwease?" she sniffs rubbing her eyes.

the maids and butlers have their mouths hanging open clearly none of them have done this or at least tried,  I smile and imaginably give myself a tap on the shoulder I did it, "sure sweetie c'mon" I say with a smile. I got up out of the couch and hold out my hands for her to take, I am surprised she took it and so is everyone else who gathered into the living room because if Xenia's tantrum. Xenia and I make our way to the kitchen leaving everyone else speechless.

I sit Xenia on the stool at the counter and start getting dinner sorted since I said I would make Mac n Cheese foe her, that is what I did, we both had some with apple juice that was in the fridge. after she finished eating I clean up the mess we made and pick her up off the stool and make our way to the living room "what would you like to do now sweetie" I ask placing her on the couch "Frozen please" Xenia asks so sweetly, I'm glad she used her manners, so now we are both sitting and watching frozen. Xenia is sitting awfully far away from me, "sweetie come sit closer to me, you don't have to stay far away from me" I say patting the spot on the couch next to me . She is hesitant but she crawls over to my side and continues watching the movie, I feel something rest on my shoulder, I look to my right I find that she has fallen into a peaceful sleep on my shoulder. I smile as I am watching her sleep, she is not so bad after all, I embrace her so she is more comfortable and fall asleep a while after.



After a very very long meeting a few miles out of town I got a good deal with some Russian Mobsters and everything  seems  to be going well with the club so I head home. I miss my little princess, I hope she was good for Valeria. it only take me about 20 minutes to get home and once I walk to the living room I was surprised it was quite but then I see both Xenia and Valeria asleep on the couch. it is a beautiful sight to see my little girl curled up on Valeria's chest asleep.

I stood there for a while in  complete shock, this is not what I was expecting at all. I walk over to them and gently pick up Xenia and carry her to her room and tuck her in, I place a kiss on her forehead and head back down to the living room, I watch how peaceful Valeria looks when she is asleep but then I see a band-aid over her eyebrow. My blood begins to boil, WHAR THE FUCK HAPPENED!? I shake her softly and her eyes flutter open. God she is beautiful, when she sees me she shoots up, "oh my god Mr Hernandez I'm so sorry I didn't realize that I fell asleep" she says looking in my eyes, if I keep looking into get blue eyes I'm going to get lost in them they are so vibrant , I smirk to myself because she called me MR Hernandez. she looks back to the couch and her eyes go big and I know why "its okay and Xenia I sin her room asleep and please call me Lorenzo" I say looking at her facile expression "okay thank god" she says letting out a sigh of relief "um their is some mac n Cheese left over from dinner that I made earlier" she says fixing her self up, hang on she made dinner, god this women in a gift from god like come on,

"you made dinner?" I ask with an eyebrow arched " yeah" she says confused, "we have chefs for that you know" I say with a smile " I know, I told them that I would do it, I didn't mind" she says with a smile that makes her eyes go bright blue "oh well thank you" I say in shock they never listen to anyone else other then me. I look at her and smile I spot the cut over her eyebrow, I almost forgot that "who did this to you?" I ask with a stern voice, I softly run my tumb over the bandaged cut, " ummm... Xenia did.." she says with a shaky voice, I stop and look into her eyes, my face softens, but I am angry inside, why would she do that I need to have a talk with her in the morning. "I am so sorry" I say with concern, I kinda hope this doesn't want to make her never come back " its fine, im okay" she says, I am now in complete shock, why hasn't she quite yet or bolted though the door the minute she saw me. " I should get going" she says grabbing her beg ready to leave " its late, I can get someone to drive you" I say not wanting her to leave by herself, she looks at het watch and mumbles " shit" she says under her breath, I just smile watching her " um sure" she says worried. I quickly text Mario and tell him to get here and drp Valeria home, and he is here in a heartbeat, waiting for her outside, I walk her to the door and took out $1200 instead of $1000 and hand it to her. "your paycheck" I say handing her the money, she is hesitant but takes it " why did you pay me extra? $1000 is enough you know" she say looking at me then back to the money in her hand " I know but just accept it please, I feel bad for what Xenia did" I say to her with I smile and I truly do feel back Xenia shouldn't be acting that way to anyone, but it is still an excuse but deep down I kinda know why I did it and this women does make me feel wired and I don't like it at all, "bu.." I cut her off before she can protest " its okay, I want you to take it....please" I say with I smile "fine" she sighs "same time tomorrow?" I ask just to make sure she is coming back " yeah, goodnight MR.. I mean Lorenzo" she says as I open the door for her to leave " goodnight Valeria" I say with a smile.

And with that she enters the car and they take off, I watch them until the car is out of sight, when I go back inside I heat up the left over Mac n Cheese to eat, it was the best Mac n Cheese I have ever have WOW! when I was done I washed up and headed up to my room and once again I fall asleep thinking about Valeria.

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