| Your Pov |

I woke up pretty early to the sound of people running down stairs. I hurried to get dressed. I dressed in some brown trousers, a black shirt, and some black shoes. I know it isn't very lady like but I think it is more comfortable and more... Me. My family didn't mind either. I went down stairs and saw my dad setting down 5 plates of eggs and bacon.

    I went to go find all the guys. I found my oldest brother Sam reading a book and found Kaden and Jack outside climbing a tree. Kaden is also my older brother but younger than Sam. Jack is Kaden's bestfriend. Jack's Family had worked with us since we were young. But both of his parents left so ever since Jack has lived with us.

   "Kids come eat!" My father hollered. I went back inside and sat at my usual seat. " Do yall have everything ready?, the train leaves in a hour." Sam asked us all. We all shook our heads and began to stuff our faces.

     When we were finished eating we all grabbed our trunks and loaded them into the carriages. We all climbed up onto the carriage and we were off to the train station. I was looking forward to leave Charlotte Town because everyone there could be very rude.

    We finally arrived to the train station and got into the train. I felt a nudge in my arm, " Are you excited to start new in Avonlea?" Jack asked me. " I think it will be a fun experience." I answer as I look back out the window.

    Jack shook me awake and pulled me up. We had arrived in Avonlea. We grabbed our trunks and got into a carriage and rid to our new home. The scenery was absolutely amazing. So was the house and farm. It was extraordinary. We all ran up the stairs in a awful fashion and called dibs on our rooms. My room looked right out to the front but if you look out the window at a angle you could see a trail.

    I unpacked all my belongings and went outside to explore the town. Jack had offered to join me since he finished unpacking aswell. "There is the school house" Jack said pointing at a white building with a pond next to it. It looked as if class was already started so we continued our walk.

    All of the guys was out of school. None of them wanted to go to college because they all just wanted to be farmers. Sam had his eye on some girl back in the city. Jack and Kaden had no intention on marriage.

     Me and Jack finally found our way back into town and did a little window shopping. I could feel people eyes staring at me for what I'm guessing is because of what I was wearing. I shook it off and continued with Jack.

| 3rd POV |

     While Jack and y/n was out in town Sam, Kaden, and David (your dad) was unpacking everything else for the other rooms. They even made a corner dedicated to Samantha (your mom) she had passed away two years ago due to illness.

       As Jack and y/n was in town a older looking women approached them and asked "well what in tarnation are you wearing?" looking y/n up in down. " I'm wearing what makes me feel comfortable." The older woman just hummed in disgust. Jack pulled y/n arm and walked around the women. Yall made it to a convenient store and bought a little bit of groceries. Your family was quite wealthy so yall never really thought on how much you were buying.

     On the way back home you noticed that school had just let out. Everyone looked just about the same, besides one girl. She stood out very much from the rest. She had two braids of her long fiery hair. She was wearing what it looked to be a brown dress.        y/n took Jack's hat and placed it on her head so people wouldn't really tell that y/n was a girl. "Hey, rude much?" Jack whispered. "Oh sorry." y/n whispered back as you looked back up.

      | Your POV |
        On the walk back home I tried to take in all the scenery it was so beautiful. When we got back home me and Jack put away the freshly new bought groceries. " You two get washed up, we are gonna go meet the neighbors." My father told both of us while wiping off his hands. I despise meeting new neighbors. I just answered my father by giving a groan.

   We all walked out the door. We all started walking towards this beautiful light brick house. It was a even better sight when you were up close. We all began to argue on who should knock on the door. Of course I had to. "your the youngest so you have to do it!" Kaden said as he pushed me forward. I sighed then I stepped up the poarch. I knocked on the door then turned around to face them and started making silly faces at them.

    Just then I hear the door open behind me, I turned and I met eye to eye to this boy that looked around my age. "Uhm can I help you with something?" He spoke. "Oh uhm yea we are your new neighbors." I turned a bit so he can look behind me. I look down at them and they are just waving like a bunch of dorks. My dad walked up onto the poarch and shook the boys hand. " I'm David and this is y/n, Jack, Kaden, And Sam." He explained. "Oh pleasure to meet you all, I'm Gilbert. Gilbert Blythe.

   "Pleasure to meet you to son" my father told Gilbert. We all shook our heads in agreement. A cough echoed through the house and we all knew it was time to leave. My dad got down off the poarch and the guys began to walk back home. "Maybe I can walk you to school tomorrow?" I heard Gilbert say behind me as I began to walk away. I turned around and told him "I would enjoy that very much" I waved goodbye and I hurried and caught up with everyone else.

All Because of A Letter | A Gilbert Blythe Story |Where stories live. Discover now