<><><><>Mikasa's Prov<><><><>
"I am going to walked the dogs Eren." I said putting the dogs leashes on. "OK don't be long." He said laying on the couch with his friend Armon. Armon is a child hood friend of Eren. Armon and I are cool so I don't mind him. I walked out the door and waved good bye and shut the door. I walked with May and Dakota for atleast 45 minutes till a car came by.
I didn''t know the person driving but the person stoped the car and asked me a Question. "What the F@#K are you doing??" I looked at him pissed. "Excuse me but as you can see I'm walking dogs got a problem!?!" The dogs started to bark as a man from the back came out of the car. I backed up slowly as the dogs kept barking. May then jumped up at the man but he hit her with a stick. "Hey what the hell do you think your doin.....!" I ran up to him and tried to defend but no use. He then held a rag up to my mouth and before I knew it I was fast asleep. I woke up in a dark room tied to a chair, this could not be good.
A bright light shined in my face and a man looked at me. "I told them to be nice." I looked at him as he took the rag of my face and untied the ropes. I then jumped out of my chair till he pushed me back down. "You need to stay here till we are done." I looked up and realized who it was. My eyes widen. "YOU stay away from me!" The man I saw before me was Levi my old commanding officer. He looked at me amazed. "You remeber." He said happily. "I remeber everything you creep." I said spitting in his face. He slapped me and I fell to the floor. I then hoped that Eren would find me and rescue me.
<><><><> Eren's Prov<><><><>
As Armon and I were playing Call Of Duty I realized that it's been 2 hours sense Mikasa has been back with the dogs. A few sconds later I here dogs barking and scratching the door. I then got up and opened the door and didnt see Mikasa. I looked at the dogs scared and May was bleeding in the mouth. I knew that something was wrong. I looked at Armon and began to explain what was happening. "Armon I think something bad has happen to Mikasa!" Armon looked at me amazed. "Are you sure maybe she went somewhere?.?" He said poorly. "No she wouldn't just leave the dogs and let May bleed like this." I said as I was cleaning May up."
A few minutes later Armon and I went to find Mikasa. As we were looking I found her scarf on the ground. Armon ran up to me after I found it. "Look Mikasa's scarf. She would never leave this." I said looking at the scarf. Then a car came to the sidewalk. It was black with black windows. I couldn't see who it was but then Mikasa came out of the car. She looked like she saw a ghost. I was then worried. She was then about to fall but I grabbed her. The car drove off. I looked at Mikasa and she had a bruse on her face.
Armon and I brought her home and layed her on the bed. I began to look for any wound but only saw red marks on her legs and arms. I told Armon that I'll handle this and to go home. Armon looked at me and said "Are you sure don't you want me to help?" I looked at him calmly. "Ill be fine I can handle this." Armon left and I sat next to Mikasa. Till.....
OK so this one I guess you could say is really stupid but I needed something to be here for next chapter so I don't really care if its bad but still......!
K baii baii guys =D

I Fell In Love With My Pet Sitter
FanficThe love story between Eren and Mikasa! Eren after his job becomes successful cant watch his two dogs, May and Dakota. Eren then calls in a friend to watch them but instead has someone else watch them and girl named Mikasa Eren then begins to fall...