Shorts Squabble

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"No fans!" John yelled in delight, packing his things.

"No reporters!" Paul exclaimed, packing a pair of swim shorts with the Hawaiian style flower designs all over it that John laughed at. But heck, they were on vacation, who's really gonna care?

"No being bossed around!" Ringo grabbed his Polaroid camera and putting it, with his things.

"AND ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!" George shouted, grabbing a dark blue sports shirt.

"We have a whole month of relaxation! On the sea, and loving every minute of it!" Paul sighed, crashing on the bed. John pulled Paul's swim shorts out of the suitcase and stared at them, holding in a chuckle. "What's so wrong with them?" He asked, folding them and putting them back.

"Are you trying to become the number one attraction?"

"I was born with this face that was made to love. I'm already the number one attraction. Among girls. I like these shorts, any road." Paul put his hands under his chin and started batting his eyelashes. John took the shorts and put them on his heads, causing everyone to laugh.

"Now that looks more like it." Ringo grabbed his Polaroid and snapped a photo of Paul with the shorts on his head.

"Ringo! I wanted to take the picture." George complained. Ringo handed him the camera to George.

"Wha- George, don't you dare."


"George Harrison, I swear, you press that button and I will-"

George snapped the picture. "Too late!"

"GEORGE!!!!" John took the shorts from Paul's head and dangled them out the window. "John, don't."

John smirked and let one finger loose from the shorts. Girls from below screamed, just begging to get the shorts.


"Or you'll what, Macca?"


"Oh, my hand is slipping." John said teasingly.

Paul tried to grab the shorts before they fell out of the window, but lost grip of them. The wind blew them away, and they got stuck to a telephone pole. John, George, and Ringo began laughing as Paul was freaking out. Girls were climbing on top of each other and forming human ladders to try and get the shorts. "Oh boy, this won't end well." He thought.

"Boys, are you ready?" Brian shouted from the other room.

"Um-" Everyone paled.

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