Not a Second Time

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"George?" Paul asked. He turned his head to see George. On the ground. Not making a move from the headhunters coming.


The headhunters took immediate attention to Paul.


"My name is Paul, for God's sakes! Paul McCartney!"

The headhunters stood still, but were ready for any sudden movements.

"Um, right then." Paul began to run in fear, forgetting about his friend lying in the sand.

"THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT, PAUL!!!" George shouted.

"Ky manu Pamaca!" The large headhunter shouted. The other two headhunters obeyed the command and began to go after Paul. Once they got Paul, they'd- never mind...

Paul ran as fast as he could until he was safe or out of sight. Hopefully both, if he could. He raced past Ringo, who was eating a banana.

"What're you doing?" He asked, keeping Paul from running.

"Can't *gasp* talk *gasp* headhunters *gasp*  coming *gasp* have to *gasp* run." Paul put one hand on his knees and one on his chest, feeling his highly increased heart beat.

The headhunters had caught up. Instead of taking attention to Paul, stared at Ringo.


"Ratuma?" Ringo asked.

"Don't ask."

The two headhunters dragged Ringo away, covering his mouth, and keeping his hands behind his back. Paul tried to go after them, until a monkey throwing coconuts around had thrown a coconut. At Paul. On the head.

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