Welcome To Hell

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*** A/N ***
That's the main character btw
Her name's Dawn Smith. just fyi. So this is my first story. I'm extremely excited I hope you guys like it :) Any feedback would be great, but don't send me hate messages. nobody want's that shit. If you do I'll report you, find where you live and stab you with a rusty spoon.

lmao jk ! but seriously though.. no hate messages or I'll report your ass.
<<<~~~ Enjoy the story ~~~>>

I'm looking at myself in the mirror. It feels like yesterday I just learned how to ride my bike. I couldn't believe that I was going to be seventeen next week. Don't get me wrong, I was excited to turn seventeen. I would learn how to drive, I can finally be trusted being home alone and I could go to parties now withought my dad breathing down my back.

My dad told me that some female werewolves would connect to their wolf at the age of seventeen. It's extremely rare for it to happen, but it wasn't that big of a deal in the pack. Just thinking about every bone in my body breaking and the fact that I would turn into another creature scared me. I haven't seen anybody change infront of me, but I have seen wolves roaming around our pack.

"Oof" I huff out. Sam laughed and tackled me on the floor breaking my trance. I pushed her off me. "How did you get in my house ?" I laughed. "There's nothing that can keep me out." Sam said putting her two fists on the side of her hips. "I'm faster than a speeding bullet" she jumped on the bed. "Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ?" She raised her voice for suspense. "No its-"

"It's a idiot. " I cut her off and smiled. Sam gasped and put a hand in her chest mocking hurt. "Hey !" and attacked me with a pillow.

After our little pillow war I couldn't take a shower since I was already running late, according to Sam. I brushed my teeth. When I came back from the bathroom I saw that Sam layed out an outfit for me. It was pretty. Maybe even too pretty. I eyed it suspiciously, but put it on.

I looked at myself in the mirror and liked what I saw. A black short leather skirt, a white tank top, some cute wine colored combat boots and a black leather jacket that fit me perfectly. To finish the outfit off I put on my mom's fake silver necklace. I missed her so much .. I combed my hair and put on some mascara. I rushed down the stairs, causing me to almost trip and fall on my butt.

Sam was eating cereal and looking at her well-manicured nails. I looked at my mine. My nails were chipped and the nail polish was fading. It's a bad habit of mine to bite my nails.

I grabbed a bowl and opened the cereal cabinet. Wait. Where's my Captain Crunch ? I panicked and opened every cabinet and drawer, but didn't find it. I searched and digged in the trashcan with my hands and saw a empty box Captain Crunch. I looked at Sam furiously and saw she was eating what was left of my favorite cereal. I sighed and ignored this even happened. But she of all people should know not to mess with my cereal. I must get back at her when she least expects it. I looked at my fridge and pulled out a sad looking waffle. She's going to pay.

We finished our breakfast and walked to school. We walked even though we were late. I didn't want to go to school with my hair looking like it belonged in the 60s. Sam and I joked and talked about how controlling our dads are. Sam's dad is the Alpha and my dad's the Beta. When my dad went to meetings with Sam's dad he would leave me at Luna's house. There I met Sam. So I guess that's why Sam and me hung out more.

We were standing infront of the school. 'Welcome to hell' I thought. I looked at Sam and we went inside the office.

I saw the principal and walked towards him. "Look Mr. Harrison we're very sorry we were late and it wont happen again." He looked at me weirdly. "What are you talking about ?" Now it was my turn to look at him weirdly. "Umm, we're late right ?" He checked his watch. "No it's 6:24 you're two hours early." He walked away to do some work.

What ? I could've taken a shower ! Sam must've messed up my phone alarm. I turned around and glared at her. She was laughing so hard no noise came out. "It's not even that funny." I crossed my arms. "You should've seen your face." She screeched between laughs. I rolled my eyes and left the room. "Wait !" I heard her yell after me.

I sat on a concrete bench. My butt's freezing. They should make a seat warmers for benches. Concrete warmers ? Sam sat next to me and crossed her legs. "Why am I wearing this ?" I pointed at my outfit. "Because somebody is moving back to our school today." She said in a sing-song voice. "And how do you know this ?" She gave me a Are-you-serious look and I shrugged. "Can I have some lipgloss ?" She handed it to me and I applied some and gave it back to her. "Okay you may speak." I smiled. I swear she looked angry, but she returned to her normal happy face. "Okay well if the student is a werewolf it's urgent that my dad knows. Because of the all territory slash rogue shit going on." She waved her hand around and I nodded. "So I checked his papers to see who it is." Sam grinned. A lot of kids left our school. She couldn't just expect me to know.

"Who is it ?" I gave her a smile/confused look. She giggled and waved her hands violently. The curiosity was killing me. "It's a surprise." I sighed. Sam changed the topic and we talked about movies we wanted to see. Sam pulled out a pink and black nail polish out when we had nothing else to talk about. I choosed black and let my bestfriend paint them. It seemed like forever.

After talking about how sexy Zac Efron's abs, my nails were dry and they looked better than they looked before. It's pretty windy today. I looked to my left and hair blew all over my face. Damn it ! My lips are ruined. I slowly got the hairs out of my lipglossed lips. "What time is it ?" I poked Sam's ribs. "Umm it's about 8:05." Wow. Two hours passed already ?

We walked inside the school and said our byes. I walked to my locker and spinned my code in. What is that ? Something inside me feels weird. I looked around, but nobody was there. I think someone is watching me. I turned my head both sides, but no one was there. I quickly put my books in my bookbag and slammed my locker. I headed towards my class after that.

{ 10 m i n u t e s l a t e r }

I sat in class drawing on my sketchbook. One by one, students filled quiet the room. Now it wasn't so quiet everybody was chasing each other and talking. The teacher came in behind the students calming them down.

"Class let's start History, please." Everybody took their textbooks out. "Okay now turn to page 167 we're going to learn about Ezkeriel Grelies. He's the first werewolf to discover our weakness to sil-" BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I tried to block the class and started doodling on my textbook. "Ms. Smith, could you stop doing that nonsense and pay attention to class ?" I fake smiled at Mr. Asshat. This was going to be a very long day.

Our next class was health. I hated health. We all took our seats and waited our teacher to start the class. Health's the type of class to make everyone uncomfortable with just one word. Our teacher stood up and wrote on the board. Three letters. "SEX." She raised her voice. She underlined the word.

I looked from the corner of my eye and most students were slumped in their chair. I turned around and saw Sam covering her eyes with a dramatic look. I tried holding my laughter but I couldn't hold it in. "Is something funny Dawn ?" I turned around and faced my teacher. "Do you want a trip to the principals office ? Maybe you can tell him what's so funny." He smirked. I heard ooohs and laughs. I sat up straight. "Not unless you want to face an angry Beta." I spat back. The teacher looked at me shocked.

I never answered teachers back. I don't know what's gotten over me. I heard some guy yell "IT'S GOING DOWN." and others chuckled.

If looks could kill I'd be dead already. The teacher glared at me. There was an awkward silence in the room. Two knocks on the door broke the silence.

That weird feeling was back. Oh my god. I couldn't breathe when I saw who came in the room.



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