Chapter One: The Weird Kid.

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Once upon a time, there was a ten-year-old girl who... Well, let's just say she was... Unique. She always wore black, hated dresses and skirts, loved horror movies and rock... And EVERYONE loved her!
Okay, two things: First, that last part is a complete lie, and second, that girl is me.
Now, first I want to make something clear: I'm PERFECTLY aware that a LOT of others are like me, interest-wise. But trying to find one, (besides me,) where I live, you won't have much luck. Believe me, I've tried.
Here's one thing I've learned: The word "unique", (at least in MY situation,) is just a nicer-sounding term that parents use for "weird".
Do I have a problem with being weird? Nope!
What, you expect me to wear pink and listen to boy pop bands, (in other words, completely change myself,) to fit in and make people like me? 
No. Wanna know the problem with that? Wanna know why I'd be miserable?
Because they wouldn't be liking ME.
They'd be liking the person who I was pretending to be.
I'd rather have 90% of people not like me than have 90% of people love my act. Got it? Good!
Anyway, there's more to me than just rock and horror movies, (duh,) so here's a little more about me: My hobbies include drawing, making my own characters, making costumes OF those characters, (usually the creepy ones,) scaring people with my costumes... Yeah, you get it.
I live with my adopted parents, Carly and John. They're the only ones who don't judge me constantly. They actually seem to accept me for how I am.
I hang out with a couple of kids at school, but... They aren't really friends... But I like to have some company every now and then.
Another reason why people tend to dislike me is this: I have a bit of an "attitude problem". Here's an example of my "attitude problem": 
Person: "Ew, why do you have that demon music up so loud?"
Me: "So I can block out your annoying, constant blabbing!"
Penny Note #1: I'm NOT a jerk. Just... Certain things tend to set me off at times.
Yeah... Now that I think about it, I may need to get some help for my "problem"... Nah. What am I doing wrong ON PURPOSE? I can't help it! It's just my body's natural reaction to morons.
Well, I guess you may wanna know what I look like, right? I have brown hair that comes just above my shoulders, purple eyes, and freckles.
Some people think I"m wearing contacts to make my eyes LOOK purple, but nope! My eyes are naturally purple.
Some say it's because I have some sort of disease, but to be honest, I don't know.
Anyway, enough of that crap.
My name is Penny.
And this is a story.
About me. About my battles with a certain snob. About meeting a friend.
But those aren't the main part of the story at all.
This story is mostly about this: About discovering what happened to my real parents.

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