Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) SMUT

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Warnings: smut, loss of virginity, awkward sex, oral sex

It was strange being back at the mansion, all the memories from his youth he'd forgotten or purposefully blocked out kept sneaking up on him, rushing back to choke him at the most inappropriate moments.

Rubbing his kohl smudged eyes, Klaus reached for his clothes strewn abandoned across the parlor floor from the night before when he'd collapsed to the leather couch in naught but his underwear... was it even his?  He wondered for a moment, glancing down at the colourful leopard spotted pattern.  He honestly couldn't seem to remember where it'd come from.

Shrugging, he dressed, ignoring Ben, and headed for his old room, where more memories were surely waiting for him.

As he stepped across the threshold he found, bingo! he was right, and he bit his lip as the memories assailed him, almost as annoying as the ghosts that hounded him and he wondered if he were high enough if he could drown those memories out too.

These ones actually weren't bad per se, but the pain they brought hurt so much worse.

"Ugh," Klaus groaned heavily, throwing himself down on the bed and draping his arm over his face.  As tempting as it was, he didn't exactly want to think about his first kiss, which had happened right where he lay, or the fact that the woman it had happened with happened to be downstairs at this very moment, and despite her hostility yesterday (which frankly, he deserved) he still wanted to kiss her.

Lifting his arm he sighed as his eyes found the scribbled lyrics on the wall nearby and his thoughts drifted to the very last time either of them had set foot in this room and what had come after.


[ Twelve Years Ago ]

"You don't hafta do this y'know.  The old man kicked me out, not you," Klaus exclaimed as [y/n] ambled next to him, her bag of belongings slung over her shoulder, while he dragged his behind him.

"Are you kidding me?" she scoffed, "stick around that hellhole without you?  No, thank you.  You obviously don't know me as well as you think you do," she exclaimed, nudging him with her shoulder as he leaned into her.

"Well, I'm glad you're here, my lovely partner in crime," Klaus announced, pausing to reach into his jacket pocket, "because check what I nicked before we left," he exclaimed, holding out the rather valuable trinkets he'd taken from the living room cabinet.

"And what're you gunna do with those? [y/n] asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Pawn them, duh," he exclaimed, dropping the valuables back in his pocket and slinging his arm around [y/n]'s shoulder.

The money they got from their ill gotten gains was enough to pay for an upscale motel room for a couple nights -- long enough to figure out what to do from there, as well as a small baggie of pills Klaus carefully tucked into his jacket pocket.

"Ooh, swanky," Klaus exclaimed as he pushed open the door to their room, and stepping inside, turned to make a flourish as he pulled [y/n] in after him.

"My dear, welcome to our palace!  Well, for the next five days, at least."

[y/n]'s laughter warmed him and he grinned as he followed her in further, flopping down on the bed next to her as he bounced on it lightly where she sat.

"Hey, at least it's comfortable," she exclaimed, flopping back as well before turning her face to him.  "Now what d'you wanna do?"

"Order some take out, I'm starving," Klaus replied, his stomach growling pointedly.

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