Chapter 1

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((Authors Note: //Aug 19th, 2022// hey! If you've been here since the making of this book- yeah! I'm updating it. A lot of things need to be changed in order for me to continue. So don't worry! Just know that I'm working quickly and I'm trying to get it all done. If you're new, then don't worry as well! Y'all would be getting the newly updated version so we all good. Have a good day!//

Rolling down the window to your parents car, you let out a breath. With your hands rested in your lap, you look down. Thinking about all the memories you had while living here. All scraped, starting completely new now. It didn't sit well with you, but what could you do? You unfortunately couldn't do anything.

Your friends saw your car driving by, making them run after your car while yelling your name. It caught you by surprise, turning your head.
"Bye losers! I'll miss you!!" You yell at them, laughing while tears formed in the corner of your eyes. Your childhood friends, slowly drifting away from you.
After a while, your friends stopped running and just stood in the middle of the road, watching your car drive away from a place you used to call home. These familiar roads were now going to be memories.

You stuck your head back into the car, closing the window. You quietly put your EarPods in, listening to music as you let your head rest against the seat. The music let you enter into your thoughts.

You were going to miss this place for sure.
The house you grew up in and the friends that you've basically known for your entire life.
You're now starting fresh.

A new school.

A new house.

And hopefully new friends?

Yet, you knew that nobody could replace the friends you grew up with. And it hurt you. You at least had their phone numbers, to keep in touch every once in a while. It wouldn't feel the same though.
Your friends made you who you are today, and you were forever thankful for all the care and love they've given you.

Hopefully, the people at your new school aren't too bad-

"Mom, how long did you say the drive would take?" You take one EarPod out as you ask your mom.
"Hm- I would say about 4-5 hours. Isn't so bad compared to our past road-trips." Your mom answered.

You nodded your head, turning toward the window as you put the EarPod back in your ear.

Closing your eyes, you let the music calm your thoughts.




"(Y/N).. wake up, we're here.." a familiar voice said to you.

You slowly opened your eyes, groaning softly. You looked around as your eyes began to focused on your surroundings.
Looking out the window, you could see a house which you assumed was the house your family was moving into.
You made your way out the car, stretching your arms out.

"Doesn't it look pretty?" Your mom walked up to you, holding a big box in her arms.
(Y/N) look at the house, tilting their head. "Eh, our old one was better." You said back.
Your mom sighed, putting the box down and placing a hand on your shoulder. "I know it's hard, (Y/N). It was a very hard decision for me and your father to make, but we had no choice. Your dad needs to be closer to his job so he can make the money to provide for his family. For us. You'll start to get used to this place, I promise." She smiled at you. "And at least you get to start your first day of school on Monday!" Your mom said happily, trying to lift the mood. "Just look on the bright side of things and everything will be okay, alright?" She said, patting your back before grabbing the box that she placed down and bringing it into the house.

You stood in place for a moment, looking around at the other houses in your neighborhood. It seemed pretty peaceful and calm, noting too bad.

You walked over to the car, thinking that you should help out a bit. You grabbed some boxes from out of the trunk and began to bring them inside. You place the boxes down on the floor, before walking out of the house to get more stuff to put inside.

As you were walking towards the car, a young girl who seemed to be about your age walked over to you. You looked over to her, smiling awkwardly.

"Hello! You must be the new family moving in here! nice to meet you!" She said.
The girl had slanted white eyes, a short pink dress, pink pants, and a pink shirt. She had short black hair that glowed in the sun with a pink headband fitting perfectly on her head.
(Y/N) gave her a smile.. "Oh- Hey there! Nice to meet you too."
She looked at you for a bit, examining your facial features and your full body view.
"Well, my name is Nene, and I live right next to you!" She said, pointing to her house. Her house seemed simple, a 2 story house with some plants in the front. "Cool to know! My name is (Y/N)." You chuckled.

Nene nodded her head. "Nice name! (Y/... N)... (Y/N)! I can already tell that we're gonna get along!" Nene said, her tone seeming genuine. 

"Well, I gotta go. See you later!" The girl spoke out before running back into her house.

'That was-... okay for a first interaction' you thought to yourself, soon deciding to go back to helping your parents take the boxes in.




You laid in your bed right after dinner, absolutely exhausted from taking in all those boxes. Shit- you felt drained.
Your legs were sore from all the walking, making you groan as you adjusted yourself into a comfortable position.

Satisfied with your new position, you pulled a blanket over yourself as you slowly closed your eyes, wondering what tomorrow might bring.

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