Chapter 11

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Hanzou looked scared, seeing the pissed-off Cassandra give him a death stare.

"Yeah- you kinda did jackass, now can you get the hell out before I stick my boot up your ass."
Hanzou looked saddened, looking down at the ground.
"B-but me, Cyclops, Alucard, and the others were looking everywhere for you-"

"Get your ass out, Hanzou!" She yelled, narrowing her eyes at the poor Ninja boy.
"Tell the others that I'm taken for the night." Cassandra said, smirking.

Hanzou stood in place for a bit, nodding. The poor boy would do anything to be in Cassandra's good book, since he was bullied a lot. Cassandra and the goth gang were the only friends he got and he didn't want to lose them. He has a good heart, and you know he does.
"Cassandra... don't go off on him like that, he didn't know." You said, feeling bad.

Cassandra looked at you, giving you a shocked expression. Yet, she stayed quiet, sighing.
"Fuck it. Just go, Hanzou. It's fine." She said coldly, looking off to the side.

You were surprised that Cassandra was acting like this, it was almost like you were slowly taming a beast.
Hanzou smiled at you, waving bye awkwardly before walking out of the bathroom.

"Oh man- I feel bad for him sometimes..." you said, frowning. "Hm.." Cassandra breathed out.

She looked away, putting her hands inside her pockets.
The goth girl soon put her focus back on you, walking towards you. "I got a good place we could go to." She said.
"How about we ditch this place and head somewhere more quiet." Cassandra offered.

You smiled, holding her hand. "Sounds like a plan."
Cassandra gave you a soft smile, a feeling of happiness filling up in her dark heart.

She soon led you away from the school, somewhere more alone and calming for you both. The full moon in the darkness lightened up the sky. Beautiful clouds glowing as the moons light shined on them, giving them a white fluffy look. A soft calming breeze of the night following you and Cassandra as she led you to where she wanted to go.

The goth girl soon led you to a large tall grass field, fences surrounding it. She jumped over the fence with you, walking into the tall grass. The peaceful sound of crickets and the call of a owl could be heard.

You tried your best to follow Cassandra as it was hard to see her through the tall grass.
You had your hand over your face, as you didn't want any of the grass to get into your face/eyes.
You looked up at the sky, seeing the stars and the beautiful moon shining down upon you. Smiling and admiring, your eyes shining at the gorgeous midnight sky.

Your focus soon went back on Cassandra, realizing that you lost her.

"Oh shit-" you said, stopping in your tracks. "Cassandra? Where are you?" You called out, hearing nothing.

You waited for a moment, still no answer. You tried to stay quiet to see if you could hear anything, but there was still nothing but the chirps of crickets.
"You better not be playing with me, Cassandra... please, just come out-"

There was still nothing. No footsteps, no noises, absolutely nothing. It was almost like Cassandra completely disappeared.
You slowly continued to walk further into the tall grass, trying to find your goth girl.

The further into the tall grass you walked, the more lost and confused you got. You didn't know what direction to take anymore, as it all seemed the same. It all seemed like it'll lead to more and more tall grass.
"Fuck..." you said, sighing to yourself.
You took your eyes off of Cassandra for 5 seconds and now you lost her.
You tried standing on your toes, looking over the grass. You couldn't see much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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