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Destiny is a weird concept.
A life made up of a string of events in which leads you to a singular conclusion whether that conclusion be of a person, an action, or just an object.

Some consider destiny the same as fate... and in dictionary terms? Maybe they are. But destiny is when those events lead to a positive outcome, or the result of the outcome is positive whether it be a perspective change or an objective change... but fate is deadly. Deadly in the sense of negative tolls being taken, killing off friendships, relationships, emotions, and life itself...

In the middle of a white rugged concrete structure lay the two beauties.
A beauty of fate... and beauty of destiny.

The Greece weather overriding the emotions in the air, the blood is taken as a symbol of nothing but pure love and commitment to one another.  But maybe they didn't want to be committed.  

The air thick, while also so coldly thin; making it nearly impossible to catch a breath from it.

'Here lies my fate.' The brunette thought to herself. Hatred laced within the spiraling thoughts of her mind.

The act of betrayal so bittersweet...
But the two paired together are instead just sour... acidic nearly.
So they are better left as they're own flavors... but this world, under the undying circumstances; are more then just the flavors of an orange.

This world is the interpretation of the distinction between Fate and Destiny.

Lucia was bitter

Lyla was sweet

But maybe these two didn't need to mix for the end result to be acidic...

But they did.

This is the story of Her Sweet Oblivion

Her Sweet Oblivion {GxG}Where stories live. Discover now