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Disclaimer: Purely Fictional
A/N: Credit to the owners of the photos attached

Year 1969

It is a peaceful night for Ohm, Fluke, Kao and Earth as they lie in the grass star gazing. Their academic year has ended and were having a double date in their favorite place

"It's really amazing to watch the sky as if they're talking to you" Earth says breaking the silence, among the four he's the most talkative but a serious one when it comes to a serious matter like life

They've been together since they were born Fluke and Kao are brothers, Earth is Fluke's bestfriend so does Ohm with Kao. KaoEarth are boyfriends years long but since it's not acceptable in their society they kept it a secret but not from the two as they were on the same page.

"How I wish we could shout to the world who we love" Fluke sigh upon thinking of what could it be if they're free to express their feelings especially love


February 22, 1970

The sun is setting down, the two young men were sitting next to each other as they watch the beautiful view in front of them at the lake

"You seem in deep thought, care to share?" Ohm ask holding on Fluke's hand rubbing it gently locking his eyes on the view

"Hhmmm" Fluke close his eyes and feel the winter breeze touching him before speaking "I'm just happy, you with me makes me happy. World can be a little harsh to us but as long as you're with me by my side I know I will be fine" he smiled still looking at the sunset

They keep silent but the atmosphere is not awkward, feeling the serenity of the view presented before them. They know things will be worse than they may seem as the world around them is getting worst

"We will survive right?" Fluke could no longer take it, he's scared and worried not only for them but also to their family

"Of course, we will" Ohm answered softly

"I promise to you, we will meet each other again. I don't know when will be the next time but I will wait, here at the same spot at the same time no matter how long I will wait" Ohm says wiping away the tears running through the younger's cheeks. And he remembered something, he took a small box out of his pocket hand it to Fluke

Curious, he open it and shocked when he see a couple ring made out of wood, carved in it is a word "Promise"

Curious, he open it and shocked when he see a couple ring made out of wood, carved in it is a word "Promise"

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A/N: Please imagine there's a carved word on it

"I made it myself, I know you don't want expensive things so I came up with this gift I hope you like it" Ohm explains hesitantly, he don't know how the younger will react

"I don't like it" Fluke replies in straight face, startled is an understatement as Ohm look at him

"Huh? Ah-eh so-sorry I ahm I don't know" he says panicking, trying to get back the ring on Fluke's hand

Fluke laughs as he shove away the box "Hey, you said this is your gift. Listen, I don't like it because I love it" he says chuckling

"Here, today I promise to survive at all cost and wait for you no matter how long it is. I will always love you, promise me that you will survive and we will meet each other again as promised" he continue, tears forming on the corner of his eyes as he insert the ring on Ohm's ring finger as if they're taking wedding vows

"As promise, now I'm going to repeat what I've said hahaha" Ohm jokes lighting the mood up even though he himself is crying

"I will survive and wait for you here no matter how long it will take" he said as he insert the ring on Fluke's ring finger and gave a gentle kiss

Tomorrow will be the first day of their training for the upcoming battle they will face, All capable men are required to participate the war

Different troops gathered Kao and Ohm are in the same troops which they're thankful for. However, Fluke and Earth are planning to escape with their family as early as possible before the war gets worse. They're dressed like girls for them to not be recognized they even wear a wig which Earth bought and do a little make over to look like a real girl

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