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"Earth I think it's too much" Fluke said looking at the mirror as Earth does his make up "I'm not done yet, I know you're gorgeous but you have to be more beautiful" Earth replies joking half truth

"Noo, Earth we have to hurry now" Nathan's mom interrupt them popping her head into Fluke's room door

"Yes Mae" the two said in unison

As the time goes they were all ready. Nervousness filled them not sure of what will happen, lives were at stake here. Their family is escaping before the war comes worse, the peaceful city are now drenched in blood and the walls built strong are now covered with bullet holes. Every step of the way into the border gets heavier as they see dead people around them tortured inhumane

"Mom, I'm scared" Alin, Fluke's 8yrs old sister cries and hide her face in Fluke's crook

"Shhh, come here we'll get there okay? We'll be safe don't cry na" Fluke caress her back to soothe her

They're now seeing the barrier from afar "We're almost there" Fluke's mom said teary eyed, there's a train station there going to the borders. The border is is a city where the allied kingdom agreed to be the refugees place, before crossing the boundary which the train station is forbidden for civilians band only those government officials are allowed but when the war begin they agreed to use it. There, the enemies can't get them because the said kingdom is much more powerful than them, and as an ally thousands of their soldier joined them

"Good day citizens of Thailand, the train departs at 13.00pm" said the intercom

"Earth, I'm nervous" Fluke said fidgeting

"Just don't look at them directly, and walk like a lady" Earth replied, squeezing Fluke's hand gently

"But I'm more nervous for Phor, P'Kao and P'Ohm. What if, we join them and help them at least we will them there and might save them in case they're are in danger than doing this--- escaping" Fluke replied

"Look, we've already talk about it right? Have faith in them, they will survive. Besides we're already here" Earth answered, pointing to the train station

They're now lining up to enter the train but before they get set foot into the train a vast explosion heard and everything turns into chaos. An exchange of gunshots can be heard everywhere, everyone are now panicking and jostling towards the train

"Fluke, Earth, Alin hold on to each other. Duck and cover your head" Fluke's mother alerted them as they pushed their body to get through the stampede

"Yes Mae" they said in unison, they're almost in front of the train's door when Fluke slip his hand to Alin's.

"Phi!" Alin shouted, pool of people are trying to enter the train. Fluke's mom and Alin are pushed by those people who wants to enter inside the train as Fluke and Earth are being pushed away to the doorway

"Mae, Alin!" Fluke shouted back, he's holding on tight to Earth. He's the only one he could trust now

"Fluke, hold on to me tightly" Earth said, intertwining their hands. They're trying to get through the crowd but no to avail

"We can't control the situation, we have to leave now" The security announced and the train slowly move to leave

"No! Please let us in" The crowd screams, others cried as they don't want to be left behind

"Sorry everyone, we will be back as soon as possible" The personnel announced apologetically

Fluke and Earth can't to anything but to wait. The commotion stop and the enemy retreats when they saw that they're losing the battle against the allied kingdom's army but it leaves a hell like scenario when a dead bodies displayed everywhere

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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