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Gerald--- My good fellow followers! I have summoned an army of communist seal clones, together we will the defeat the author- and with that her tendency to not post for days on end!!!

Phab--- But thats not fair! You all are ganging up on me -_- its not my fault I never post...

Gerald--- Nobody cares author, its still a crime to not keep updating. It is time for war, for a new beginning wrought with change and new beliefs, new foundati-

Phab--- yah, yah, we get it. moving on!

Gerald--- aight men! steady!!!!

[imagine a miniature army of seal clones along with Geralds faithful followers]


Readers--- where!? stop, drop, and roll!!!!!

Gerald--- *slaps forehead with fish* I meant 'attack'

Readers--- Ohhhhhh

Readers--- *brutally slaps Phab with fresh salmon*

Phab--- Stahp!! fine, I give up! I agree to post more regularly your revenant, magical, mythical, highness, o' great and mighty Gerald! *aggressively bows and bangs head on a plank of wood (don't ask why, it just happens)*

Gerald--- fine... k readers! seeya next time! *is dramatically beamed up into the sky before being blasted into oblivion* 


𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now