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       P.E was Ella's last class of the day.  It was also either her favorite or least favorite.  Brad was had P.E with Ella so that's partly why P.E was either her favorite or least favorite class. 

       For P.E they had to do ten pull ups followed by twenty push ups.  Ella was relieved when the bell finally rang.  Ella ran out of class so fast that she tripped.  The truth was, she was tripped.  It was the girl from the bathroom that tripped her.

       She had a heart shaped face and dirty blond hair.  Behind her was a girl with really long blond hair.   Her hair was about to her knees.   "Don't hurt her, she didn't know, " said the girl with the long hair.

       After the girl with long hair said that the other girl hesitated.   Ella took that as her chance, she got up and ran to the parking lot while turning on her phone.   When Ella had turned on her phone she saw a message from Ally.

       The message read: Had to go home early, sorry.  That meant that Ella had to walk home.  Halfway home, it started to rain.  Ella, cold and wet had to keep on walking.  Then, a car pulled up.

       It was a dodge cummins black truck.  "Need a ride?"

       It was, of course, Brad.  Since she was freezing,  Ella said yes to the ride.  "Do where do you want to go," asked Brad.

       "Just drop me off at the McDonald's," answered Ella.

       As they were driving there was awkward silence.  Finally Ella said,  "I hear a noise coming from your transmission. "

       "Yeah, it's been like that for like a week now," said Brad.

       "I can check it out for you.  I mean I'm not the best, but I do a little mechanical stuff."

       "Sure, it would be nice if you could check it out.  Just go to my house sometime..."

       Not long after the conversation ended were they already at the McDonald's.   "See you tomorrow or later," said Ella.

       "I'm looking forward to it," said Brad

  This chapter was fun to write, I enjoyed it.  Hope you all liked it.  Comment and like and stuff.   Happy random day!!!

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