Reverse Effect

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Quirk: Reverse Effect

Quirk Info: The user can absorb damage and instead, the villain/bad guy feels the pain. Basically, it's a reverse effect (the power name 😑). 

Example: A villain comes behind you and stabs you, but instead you don't feel any pain. The villain does though. They literally just stabbed themselves.

Drawbacks: The user has a limited time to keep this 'shield' on before they collapse of exhaustion. They pass out after using there quirk to much. If they overuse it so much, they can also feel all the pain they were supposed to feel. It acts as a shockwave of terror and pain.

Overpowered?: Maybe? It depends.

Type: Emitter

Fun fact: This quirk was created by my dad :D (We don't know if this is a real quirk that was created. I didn't do my research) 

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