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A few minutes of silence passed, peeking your head over a bush to make sure Dixie had left, when two spindly hands press against your shoulders. You struggle to muffle the yell, turning around, prepared to hit the culprit. Gonner sits, crouched behind you, with a cheeky grin plastered on his face, "Ahoy!"

"Jesus, you scared me!" You mutter, hiding your head in your palms in embarrassment.

The zombie, now dressed in his usual pirate-y clothes, looked surprised for a moment before chuckling and scratching the back of his neck, "Heh, sorry! You left awfully fast earlier, 'n I was worried, but I didn't mean to scare ye."

"I-" you gulp, noticing how close you both were to each other and scooted backward a little, "It's fine, really. I'm- I'm flattered you were worried, but it wasn't my intention."

If Gonner had noticed the faint blush on your cheeks, he didn't say anything. In fact, you barely noticed it either. He regarded you cautiously before raising his eyebrows, "So... what got ye all rattled like that?"

'I could answer him truthfully,' you consider, 'Even though even I don't understand what got me so mad... I must be feeling protective over him after what Dixie did.' 

He stares at you, eagerly waiting for you to lean on him and tell him about your problems, and you sigh. "It's nothing, really," you wave a hand, "My ex decided to approach me again and I got put in a bad mood, not your fault."

It wasn't entirely a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

However the pirate nodded understandingly, satisfied with the answer. "I sure hope he's not in the little crew I've found there," he said, referring to the gaggle of people at school he had settled into as friends with, "...Is he?"

You shake your head and pat his shoulder reassuringly, "He's not, don't worry about it." You consider telling him about why you were out here in the first place, and how Dixie and this ghost, Piroska, were searching for him... But he was finally settling in, learning how things worked nowadays, you weren't sure you wanted to put any more weight on his shoulders. You stand up and extend your hand to him, pulling him up onto his feet when he takes it, "Well... I should be heading home. You too... wherever you live."

He grins and replies, not missing a beat, "Oh, I live in a graveyard!"

"...Of course you do," you smile wryly and shake your head, chuckling. You decide not to tell him, letting him exist in blissful ignorance for a while longer. As he lets go of your hand you feel a little upset at the loss of contact, and vow not to let Dixie do anything to him, lest you lose moments like this forever.

"Will I be seein' ye tomorrow?" He asked, smiling.

"Of course, wouldn't be able to convince my parents to let me skip classes."

"Then this is farewell for now, me fair maiden," he smirks, bowing and tipping the pirate cap on his head before turning on his heel and walking off further into the forest. You flush and watch him leave until you can't see him anymore before smacking your own face and mumbling a soft ' aahhhhhhhh'.

Love Bite | Gonner x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now