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A/N: Okay a few people are confused, so I figured I'd clear some stuff up. Zombies no longer die to either water or sunlight because neither of those actually kill zombies nor have any reason to affect them. Piroska died because she fell in a pool of acid, not water in this story. Hopefully that hinders confusion.

It's been a month since that day that everyone has inexplicably forgotten about, you all just woke up the next morning and all memory of the past day was gone

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It's been a month since that day that everyone has inexplicably forgotten about, you all just woke up the next morning and all memory of the past day was gone. It was almost like it never even happened, and even the week before that day had felt hazy in your mind.

It seems you retained the most memory however, as everyone you asked seemed to look at you weirdly.

At first you were just trying to double-check the date for Dixie Grimm's party, but your peers explained that there was no such thing. Initially you thought it was a prank, just some arrogant kids ignoring you so you would go away, but it quickly became apparent that you were remembering something that, to everyone else, never even happened.

It was easy to shrug off as a misunderstanding, or maybe something that had been called off and you hadn't been told, but as the month went on it became obvious that something was very, very wrong.

You and Dixie were like two sides of the same coin- never interacting much outside of nods in the hallways but maintaining the same status in school as loners who were free-reign to bully. After a while you just allowed it to happen but the other girl always argued back, making her relationship with the populars even more turbulent than yours.

You didn't like her, but you didn't dislike her either. You and Dixie were perfectly amicable- enough so that you vividly remember her off-handedly mentioning a party at her mother's house as she passed you. You also remember her asking one of the nerds- one of the boys that liked to go 'zombie hunting'- to attend as well, leading to another confrontation from the popular girls and completely tanking Dixie's reputation once more.

It was respectable that she had asked him to come even though she knew what the overall reaction would be. If you were in her shoes you weren't sure you would be able to do the same. There were a few times outside of classes where you had seen her really dig into her father, however, putting you off from becoming friends with her. 'Not all that's good is gold', your mother had told you once.

All of that was par for the course, just a normal day in the lives of the students at your high school. The pecking order was set in stone, and, unfortunately, you and Dixie were only just off from being at the very bottom.

This is why, when you went to classes that fateful day, you had to do a double-take when you saw Dixie sitting with Melissa and Alyssa, the two biggest bullies in your grade and maybe even the whole school in general.

Just that alone was enough to put you on edge, the hair on the back of your neck standing up. Even the air had felt different that day.

And it continued to feel different from then on- which brings us to now.

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