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30th August 1985

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30th August 1985

—— THE HOUSE SEEMED LIKE ANY OLD HOUSE WOULD. From the cracking floral wallpaper to the dusty carpets. El wrinkled her nose as she stepped through the threshold. It smelled putrid.

"Oh god!" Joyce shrieked, as a little rat ran pass her foot. She quickly ran through the hallway, chasing it, wafting her hand. Jonathan and El were soon to follow her, leaving Will to shut the door.

As the lock clicked, a sudden gush of wind skimmed over the left side of his collarbone. Will shivered. He thought nothing of it, and picked up the hockey bat his mom had previously discarded after the reign of events. Then, as he stood up, a sharp flutter brushed across the back of his neck.

Shaking, Will lightly touched his neck and gulped. It followed them. It was here.


It had been a few hours since Will had felt the shiver, and he had come to the conclusion of that it was probably some form of PTSD or deja vu or something like that. He was just paranoid.

He hadn't told his mom, El, Jonathan, no one. He didn't want to worry his mom after everything that had happened in the last week. It was fine, because it was nothing, he told himself. Nothing at all.

After they had opened a few boxes and fixed up the TV, as El had frequently requested, Will went on a bit of a wonder around. Looking through the rooms, the cupboards, anything that could remotely be a secret trap door, but unfortunately, there wasn't any.

Suddenly, a small piece of paint fell down from the ceiling. Will jumped back and looked up. It was flaking old paint. Stupid. Getting scared over nothing. And then he noticed it. A trap door.

Jonathan was helping their mom put away the plates and hang the photos while El watched Miami Vice in the background. No one would notice if he went exploring just for a minute...

He pulled down the flimsy piece of string attached to the lock and to his surprise, stairs shot down and revealed a gaping hole in the ceiling.

An attic!

Will hopped up the cold metal stairs, gripping on the sides, shaking from nerves but he reminded himself that it was just built up excitement. When he reached the top, he stuck his head through the hole.

He was immediately met with a thick layer of dust that covered the wooden floorboards. He sneezed. Aggressively. Stupid allergies. Will was hoping to be met with something interesting but it was just a bunch of boxes. There was a long one at the back, to the right. Could be a dead body. Will smacked his forehead. Oh my god, shut up!

After a few seconds of analysing the room, he pushed himself up and stubbles to his feet. There wasn't that much light; that only coming form a small window on the roof. Good for stargazing. He turned to his side and crouched down to get a better look.

There were a stack of boxes.
Boxes that said: Baby Clothes, Newspapers, Fiction Books, and Dungeons & Dragons.
Will halted.
At an instant, he grabbed the tattered cardboard box and tore off the lid. He sat down with a thud. It was as if heaven was beaming down on him.
An Original 1974 Edition Dungeons & Dragons.

This was worth a lot. I mean a lot, a lot! He traced his fingertips ever so lightly over the illustrations. The words. Every inch of that game was the literal holy grail.

Will decided he wanted to open it. Compare the most recent edition to the original. As he flipped the box, something caught his eye.

In black Sharpie, scrawled on the side read:

The Losers Club ^

Who the hell is William Denbrough?
What is the Losers Club?
He assumed it was the name of the previous owner, or the previous owner's children. Something like that, it didn't matter.

Shaking with anticipation, Will slowly opened the lid. Almost there, almost- and- what?!

The box was bare. Not a figurine, board, instruction manual in sight. Only scraps of old paper and out-dated dimes. Will groaned and leaned on his back looking up and the ceiling. A mirror he hadn't noticed before was hanging above his head and in amongst the disappointing D&D set, a golden glimmer shone through.

Will sat up and rummaged through the rubble, and felt something hard and cold. He pulled out his hand and opened it to reveal an ornate golden locket attached to a matching gold chain. It was decorated with golden vine engravings and a small red gem at the top. It was beautiful.

Then, just like before the sinking feeling returned along with the small gust of wind in the back of his neck. He looked around the room. He was alone. Will took another look at the locket. He shrugged. It was a coincidence. After all, he had seen stranger things.

Just then he heard a distant voice. "Will!! Dinner!!" It was his mom. He pocketed the locket and pushed the D&D set to the side, as he began to walk down the stairs. Ah this was going to be a interesting place to live.

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long to update, I've just been quite busy with school and didn't have a lot of motivation but I'm back and hopefully on schedule! Also, did u see my stranger things pun at the end? (ha ha i love myself) AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT I LOVE YOU ALL <333

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