Chapter 32.

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"Xander is this really necesarry?" I asked,a frown on my face as I hold a blindfold in my hands,looking at Xander who just gave it to me.

"Yes,gattina. It's a suprise." Xander answerd back,with a palyful tone. We stood in the hall,with Xandra and Xavier behind us.

"Is he going to kill me?" I turned my face,back to see Xandra and Xavier,I asked them and they just looked at me with a playful smile.

"Like he said...gattina. It's a suprise!" Xandra said,while she mocked Xander with "gattina"

"What does that even mean?" I asked,now turning myself from Xavier and Xandra,to face Xander. He just smiled at me,before he opend his mouth to answer.

"It means Kitten." He answerd,making me blush...

He's been calling me that in front of his family!? Omg...

"Hurry! We need to go now gattina. Put the blindfold on and I will get tou to the car." Xander said,opening the front door. I did as I was told and put the blindfold on. It was all black.

We drove for about 20 minutes,and I was actually nervous...I don't know what he has in mind.

The car stopped.

"Sit,and DON'T take of the blindfold!" He warned me. I felt his big hand on my thigh,squezing it a little,as a little warning. I jumped at his touch,not being able to see but only feel is scary. He got out of the car and he helped me get out too. He took my hand in his and helped me up.

He put his hands around my waist,holding a firm grip. He kissed my cheek,and in a suprise he took of the blindfold. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light. But what was in front of me,made me almost faint!

A house.

A big fucking,gorgeous house!

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A big fucking,gorgeous house!


Who's house is this?

"Xander...?" I said confused "who's house is this?" I asked him,turning my face to meet his face. He smiled at me with a big smile,showing his white teeth.

"It's ours." He said,cupping my cheeks. My jaw humg open.

"Are you kidding me!?" I said. He bought a fucking house!? For us???!!!

"Evangeline Kimberly Salazar...I have a question for you." I heard him say behind me. When I turned around I saw him on the ground,on one knee...holding a white little box in his hands...

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now