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"Deku are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Come on Kiri we will be fine."

"Yah, shitty hair it's not like we're breaking into the government!" 

"Yah just a Korean top idol contest"

"I'm just surprised Kat can whisper."

"Shut up candy cane"

"Shut up all of you your going to get us caught before any of us can do anything. Plus we are already back stage Kiri, unless you want to give up and turn round which would total be unmanly."

"I know you are trying to manipulate me Izuku, but god dam-it  it's working."

The greenette just through a smirk towards the shark toothed teen, before he peaked through the curtain.

Two  girls were in front of them trying to catch attention of the judges and photographers, "Ughh we're going to fail."

Psst lean into each other and slightly stick out your ass then act like you're going to kiss her," Izuku whispered.
The girls glance at each other before following the greenette's instructions  the crowd goes wild

"How?" Bakugo uttered

Izuku glanced back at the scarlet eyed blonde, "What, people go wild for lesbian and gay couples."

One of the managers approach the scene her brown hair swaying behind her, heels clicking on the the polished marble. "Who are they?"

" Who? One of the girls asked playing dumb

"They don't work here." The other was not so kind.

The first girl elbowed the other, whispering "they helped us why would you say that?"

The other girl shrugged,"I don't want to get eliminated."

"Fucking run!" Bakugo whisper shouted.

All four boys scrambled down the stairs, Only to come across the other manager.

His black hair was slicked back ,sleeves rolled up to his elbows, "Ahh your finialy here."

"Yes, sorry for the delay," todoroki quickly took the lead izuku backing him up.

"Yes, we deeply apologize we ran into some trouble on the way here"

The man nodded his head, "Since your here look at the sketch of the set. Do you think it will work with the photos.

I don't know it feels very claustrophobic and cluttered." Todoroki said taking the paper on it was an image of stitch

"And cold you need some warmer tones to brighten it up," muttered izuku analyzing the picture, "And I agree less clutter as well, you'll take away from the girls"

"Do you mind if two of my guys take a look?" Todoroki incined his head towards Katsuki and Kirishima

"Go ahead"

Izu nods and kat and kiri

The manager from upstairs came down conversing with another woman Manager walking buy them  back turned.
The four slightly start to panic.
She keeps walking till she's out off sight.

Kat and kiri come back, "We touched up a few things changed it up a bit" they announced handing him some papers.

Manager takes a look at them flipping through
Four boys line up together

The Manager turns falls to his knees paper fluttering to the floor A picture of Mike Wasalski laying upturned. "No, it can't be you are demons here to take revengge for the things I've done."

The look at each other grinning maniacally.

Kat's grin widened, "Yes, we are here so you can  bow and atone for your sins."

They spoke in sync, "you must pay for what you have done, and you will promise to never manipulate or harm the girls again."

( unlike Tyra 😤)

The manager nodded his head and sobbed, "I promise."

The four simultaneously turned and ran out the stairway to the exit hysterically laughing.

"Yah we did that in 95 times in 95 different languages"

Hawks" burst out laughing "Oh my chicken nuggets! That is...." his laughing resumed clutching his bucket of Kentucky fried chicken closer.

Azawia sighed and Immediately turned on his quirk and aimed it at mic.

Nezu was sadistically cackling while holding a cup of tea, "And who splendid Idea was this?"

"It was mine," Izuku raised hand.

Nezu pat him on the back, Welcome to my cult children, meetings are every morning on Monday"

"So, we can wright our paper for stealth and disguises on it right," asked Bakugo.

"Well seeing at it is no longer a myth and their is actual facts. Yes, yes you may."

"Oh man the class is going to go crazy, its going to be so MANLY"

"shut up shitty hair"

"but we have the same hair, Bakubabe"

Kat did an explosion in Kiri's face

"I think that's his biggest one yet out of training" Todoroki uttered.

"No he did a bigger one when I kissed him when we where younger," Izuku replied

"ughhh I still can't believe that was my first kiss."

"Kacchan we were five it doesn't count."

"Does that mean I wasn't your first kiss?"

"Shut up icy hot!"

Yello how you doin
I have no words on what this is except my dreams are apparently really bizarre.
I don't really remember my dreams so........ yah.
Hope you enjoyed
Byeee lovelies~

Reality is an illusion
The univers is a hologram
Buy gold! byeeeee!

.........Sorry I had to

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