Bring Her To Me

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Pairing: Diavolo x Reader

Word Count: 391

Bring Her To Me

He diligently watched the (h/c) haired young woman through his puppet's lively, large caramel-colored orbs, prolonging his exposure to the world to simply gaze at her.

Unknowingly, she smiled, her innocent bliss minutes from being torn to shreds, obliterated into nothingness as he drew even closer.

Because all in all, there truly was nothing out of his reach.

There was not a soul that could oppose him, not a single being that could deny him what he desired, which included the very woman that made his heat erratic.

Nothing mattered to him but the very being just a short distance from him, enjoying what he had discovered to be her favorite meal.

(E/c) colored eyes shone as she continued to giggle, her friend that sat before her in the same little enjoyment, yet unimportant to him because it wasn't his woman.

- And he looked at only what was important to him, and much more worthy of his attention.

Just the sight of her alone was enough to draw long, extended breaths from him, the bloody muscle palpitating within his chest, exited at anything that had even a hint of her.

What was much more, he even found himself unbothered by the sights of the little brats that ran past him, a strange sense of excitement brewing in him as he thought of a child that inherited her same sweet eyes.

- And that was when he was certain she was the one.

He wanted to leave traces of himself with her and it was maddening. 

It was unfathomable, yet tantalizing all the same.

"Doppio..." He cooed softly, utterly pleased with his loyal underboss for doing everything with perfect, calculated steps.

"Yes boss?" the bubblegum-haired male spoke back, his voice soft and hushed as he trained his eyes on the woman, just as he'd been instructed.

Hidden behind the large pillar he continued to guard her all while he spoke into the silver soup spoon.

" A king needs his queen Doppio," he told the younger male,

"He needs her now. He can't wait all eternity for her." He added with a dark undertone that spoke of a silent instruction :

'Do what you have to, to bring her to me.'

"Prove to me yet again that you are my most trusted.

Be my right hand,

My dear doppio, bring her to me."

Diavolo/Doppio One shot // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now