Taste of Vinegar (Doppio)

158 1 7

- You're on Team Bucci and Have a run in with Doppio
- Doesn't end sweet for you, you poor, silly baby.
- Am I corny for the title? His name is Doppio Vinegar, so...lol.
( ๑'•ω•)//('◡')

Word count: 1806

Taste Of Vinegar

" Just hold on," You murmur with focus as you heal the young man that lays before you, gently smiling down at him as he stirred, slowly being woken as you tend to him.

"Just a little more," you added in a low breath as you'd already patched up the worst of it, grateful that you could help him in time.

That nasty stand user that traveled underground had really hurt the young man before Bruno had been able to get to him.

The two continued to fight as you moved aside, quick to help the young man that had, had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, becoming a poor casualty.

"- Luck's on your side," you commented kindly, the warm glow that emitted from your hands the simplest ability of your stand, providing those you helped with just a tad bit more comfort than Giorno's could.

Even if he could create an entire limb it wasn't without discomfort, so your easing ability usually made you the more preferred choice when it came to the healing.

'This guy...' you start to say to yourself, not knowing exactly what to think.

You'd caught up with Bucciarati right after the young man had been put down, not catching anything that occurred in before you arrived.

You felt quite strange around him. You couldn't pinpoint what it was, but there was something about his features that made you giggly bashfully, feeling something rather odd you hadn't before.

Was it his hair?

It was such a lovely color, a playful, lively pink that reminded you of bubblegum, and you wondered if the locks were as soft as they seemed, the locks luring you in even whilst tousled in a light disarray.

Curiosity got the best of you and your hand tenderly brushed aside the long bangs that had covered the right portion of his face, letting you get a clearer view of his eyes as they fluttered open.

They slowly adjusted to your sight and stared back at you in a daze before they widened, realization falling upon him.

Was it those large eyes? They certainly held something sweet, maybe not like honey, but perhaps dear caramel instead.

- And you didn't mind because you always did have a fondness for the flavor.

Could it be his voice?

It was so adorable even while carrying a soft quiver to it as he tried to speak with you,

"H-hold on!" He says his cheeks blazing as you continued to hold him.

The soft tan of his face which was peppered with small specks of freckles filled with a soft color that was similar to that of his hair before it darkened down into a deep coral that was just as enticing.

"Doppio!" Diavolo suddenly scolded, notably displeased for his most trusted's behavior, the foolish act one that put them at risk.

There was no feigning the swarm of excitement that filled their shared body, nor the scalding burn that tickled down to his stomach as he continued to be fawned over by the careless woman that touched him so freely.

- She was the enemy, how could Doppio forget?

How could he simply overlook that?

She was with Bucciarati, and a part of those wretched traitors that threatened his reign.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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