Slenders Forest

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Once upon a time, before humans grew so curious, there lived two immortal figures. One being 800 years old, the other being 365 years old.

The younger of the two immortals, would often snatch a paper and some ink from the local village. People didn't seem to care nor notice. So life when on for many years, peacefully and in solitude from one another.

About 70 years pass before the oldest of the immortals wondered what could the other be drawing on the paper he took.

"Young child what is it you draw on the paper you steal? What might be as important as taking from the humans?" He leaned over the younger a shoulder and tried to look at the drawings. But the other covered up the top paper, the beginning leading to 6 more. 7 in total.

"Nothing you need to be worrying about. It's nothing bad I swear, but it is something you will see. Just not now, ok?" He turned back dipping his ink and continued on his current paper. Making sure older couldn't see it.

As years passed, with the 8th drawing finished, another 10 years passed before the older immortal began seeing paper with drawing on it, and some words. He looked over them, having a smile on his face, (if he had a face), he quickly went to find the younger.

Only to see the younger hanging another piece of paper. He stepped forward to the the younger, but he heard talking. Of the humans. He quickly hid, but looked to the other. 'You must hide. Quickly!' But it seemed the other didn't hear them.

The time passed so quickly, almost not remembered. The humans mobbed into the forest, with their torches, they saw the younger, and began to spout out rude things. Religious things, everything they could think of. They tore down the 9th paper, and began attacking the younger. Throwing stones at him, catching him on fire, yet the other did nothing to stop them. He couldn't, he hadn't grown into his powers as the older had. Yet the older couldn't do anything, his fear of the humans were great, he was frozen. He stared as he watched the humans tear his brother limb from limb, finally burning him to ashes.

Along with the 9th paper. They sent to find the other 8. But that's when the older finally snapped into what was happening. He felt so much rage, and hatred toward the humans. He quickly searched for them one by one taking them out, to decorate his trees with their insides. Once he was finished he wiped his bloody hand on his suit, kneeling by te ashes of his younger brother. A piece of the 9th paper was sticking from the ashes and he picked it up, it had the circle with a x through it.

Using his powers he used his brothers ashes to protect the forest, and trap any humans to come into it. Since that day goes by the name 'Operator' or 'Slenderman.' On the same day each year he mourns his brothers death, he killes humans as they walk into his forest and snatch his precious drawing from his brother. This place is known as 'Slenders forest.'

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