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Rose POV

Why is it so hot. I move but get stopped by arms tightening their grip around my waist.

I open my eyes, look down and see the top of Jakes head and Blake's stomach. I freeze remembering what happened and feel my core pulsing as I relive the pleasure.

Growls vibrate throughout my body and I realize that I turned myself, they smelled it.

I tightly close my legs but Jakes hand opens them and places his hand onto my heat as Blake wraps his hand tightly around my neck squeezing the sides.

I shudder and move my hips onto Jakes hand feeling the warmth of it on my skin.

Blake chuckles, "Someone is horny." He smirks

I moan when Jake starts moving his fingers up and down.

"Please, I want it" I groan when he stops.

"Are you sure kitten?" I nod, whispering into Blake's ear "I'm positive."

"If you want us to stop at any point tell us, okay? Jake says worried.

"Okay bubs, I know." I smile.

They both growl, "Now get on your knees sexy" Blake whispers in my ear.

Tingles travel all over my body, I nod and get on my hands and knees.

Jake grabs my hips and massages my ass before he slaps it, I gasp and moan from the tingles his hand left on me.

"Did that feel good kitten?" I hear his smirk.

I nod moving my hips.

Blake puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head to look at him, "Words princess." He growls.

"It felt amazing." I say shakily

"Good girl." Blake smirks as he bends on his knees and guides my head onto his erection.

I open my eyes wide and shake my head no.

"What's wrong princess?"

"I can't fit that in my mouth"

"Oh yes you will, don't be scared"

I nod and move closer bending over now with my ass in the air.

I hear Jake moan and he lays down his head in between my legs.

I moan as he plays with my clit with his finger.

I put Blake's tip into my mouth and swirl my tongue around it, Blake moans and grabs my hair with his hand keeping it out of my face.

Blake guides my head back and forth, my body stiffens as Jake puts his tongue on my clit and it goes up and down as I move.

My moans muffled by Blake filling up my mouth.

We get interrupted by banging on the door.

They both growl in anger and jump in front of me, covering my body.

"I'm sorry for interrupting alphas but there is some movement near the west border."

They both huff.

"We'll be right there." Jake says

"I'm sorry princess." Blake kisses my head.

I pout, "it's okay"

I hug both of them.

"Maybe another time." And kiss their cheeks.

"ALPHAS! we're being surrounded all on the west border." The man yells on the other side of the door.

Blake hurriedly gets up and Jake covers my body with a blanket.

"What's gonna happen?! Please don't go" tears coming out of my eyes.

"We're sorry kitten, we'll come back to you I promise."

"You are to not leave this room until we get back." Blake gives me a death stare.

I shiver under his gaze and nod my head.

They dash out of the room.

"Guard this door, don't let her leave no matter what, unless I give the order." Blake growls at the man.

"Yes alpha."

And I hear them slam the front door.


I haven't updated this in a while, I have been really busy.

I don't know when I'll update next but I'll try my hardest to try and update.

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