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Rose POV

I watch as we get deeper and deeper into the forest, farther and farther away from my parents.

The roof of a building comes into view and soon I see a gigantic mansion in front of me.

I am in shock of how big this place is I don't notice Jake opening my door.

I step out of the car, "wow"

"What?" Jake smirks.

"You and your brother live in this place alone!?"

"Mmm yeah?, come on we're not even inside yet"

He puts my hand in his and walks us to the front door.

There is two big staircases leading up to a second floor when we walk in. I stand there in shock as Jake closes the door.

I hear Jake clear his throat.

"Come, I'll show you our rooms"

"Oh, yeah" I chuckle embarrassed.

We walk up the stairs, it is really dark, the walls are black, curtains, couches, tables, chairs. There isn't any decorations.

As we walk down the halls I notice no pictures here either.

"This is my room" he opens a door.

I walk in and notice the same scheme of dark colors, gray and black with hints of dark red. I walk up to his bedside table and notice a picture.

It's Jake and Blake in suits standing next to a big gravestone.

"It's our only family portrait" He smiles.

"Mmmmh" I hum.

"Come on we still got more rooms to see" he puts his hand on my waist and motions me to the hallway.

"This is Blake's room," he points to a door across from his.

"He doesn't like people going into his room so let's go to the next" he smiles.

I nod and we walk to the end of the hall.

"And this is our room"

"Our room?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, where all three of us will sleep, eventually." He smiles sadly.

I caress his face, "He will warm up soon" I smile at him.

He nods, caressing into my hand.

"Well, for now this will be your room until your comfortable sleeping with us."

"S-sleeping with you guys?" I say nervously.

He chuckles raising his eyebrow, smirking.

He starts walking closer towards me and I walk backwards until I feel my feet hit the end of the bed and I fall onto it.

Jake hovers over me and places his hands on either side of my head on the bed.

I lay frozen as I feel my face heat up.

He leans down and whispers into my ear,

"What dirty thoughts are you having in that brain of yours?"

I suck in a breath, releasing it shakily.

I feel my heat pulsing.

I hear a growl from the room door and feel it run through my body, making me shiver.

I look at the door and see Blake standing there his eyes yellow.

He stalks towards us and Jake immediately gets up and pushes him into the wall.

Blake starts growling louder in an effort to get out of Jake's grip.

"let. go. of. me" Blake says in a low growl. Looking at me he groans.

"Rose go to the bathroom and lock the door"

I waste no time and run into the bathroom in the room and lock the door.

"Get ahold of yourself" Jake growls loudly.

I hear shuffling through the door and hear a door slam.

"Rose? You can come out now." Jake says.

I open the door and see Jake standing in front of me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have teased you like that, I didn't know you would release pheromones."

"It's ok, are you ok?" I check his body and see scratch marks on his arms.

"I'm fine they're only scratches they'll be gone by tomorrow" he smiles.

"Where did Blake go?"

"He went for a run to cool off"

I nod.

"Well I'll leave you to get ready for bed then," he hugs me.

"Come to my room if you need anything ok?"

"Ok" I sigh relaxing in his arms.

I feel him kiss the top of my head
"Goodnight, sweet dreams"
and he walks out of the room.


I sigh as I lay in the hug bed that could fit 10 people. It's too big for me to sleep, I feel lonely in this massive room on this huge bed.

I check the time and see that it's 4am. I don't want to be a bother, what if Jake is already asleep I don't want to wake him up, I groan.

I focus on my breathing and listen for Jakes heartbeat. It's beating at a slow pace. I groan he's asleep already. I listen for Blakes heartbeat out of curiosity and hear it beating rapidly.

I hear a door open and footsteps getting closer to my door.

I quickly lay on my side and focus on steadying my heartbeat. Something I learned from pulling all nighters and my parents checking in on me to see if I was sleeping.

I hear my door slowly creak open and hear it quietly close.

I hear footsteps getting closer to the bed and feel the mattress dip on my right side.

I feel the covers lift up and an arm snake around my waist gently and slowly pulling me closer towards him.

He sighs and snuggles into my neck.

I relax and feel myself drift into sleep.


Hey guys I know it's been a while but since school has started I haven't had time to do much.

But I will try my best to keep updating please be patient 🥰

I hope you're enjoying the story so far don't forget to vote if you like it.

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