3- Several Years Later

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We were now teenagers and very little had changed. We still lived in the miserable town of Ravens, we both had miserable parents, he was still a thief and I still clung to him like my life depended on it. 

If I thought as a seven year old that my crush on him was bad, I had a big storm coming. I was so infatuated with my best friend, but that's all he thought of me as, a friend. It hurt so bad sometimes.

We spent a ridiculous amount of time together since we both tried to avoid going back to our own houses at all costs. As I had learned over the years, his parents were just as abusive to him as mine were to me. I didn't think it was possible, but they even seemed worse than mine. He had recounted multiple times where he was on the brink of death, scared to death to even sleep, forced to steal for his family. I spent most days working, him stealing. After a hard days work we'd unwind at local taverns until we assumed it was safe enough to sneak into our own houses while avoiding our sleeping parents. Unfortunately, most of the money I made went to my parents, but I was secretly saving up my own stash.

I fantasized day in and day out about a future where we both moved to Liones together, got married, and started a family. We would actually love and care for our children.

I'm jolted out of my daydream when my boss slaps my back trying to get my attention. I was a waitress at a small inn, and I was currently in the kitchen daydreaming while I was meant to be waiting on a new group of patrons who had walked in.

"Sorry boss," I muttered, then walked out into the dining area. 

I walked up to a table of rowdy old men, hoping they would keep their hands to themselves, as sometimes these types of customers were bold and handsy. I stood a few feet away from the table as I took their orders to prevent their creepy touching. I went back to the kitchen, told the chef the orders than glanced back at the dining room.

My shift was nearly over and I was just counting down the minutes. The end of my shift also meant I'd get to see Ban soon! 

Just as I was thinking that I see him walk in and plop down at a table with two chairs. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips seeing him. God he was so gorgeous. His stupid outfit showed off his stupid sexy abs, I swear I wanted him so bad!

"Another order of pot roast," I shouted to Calvin, the chef here. He grunted in response. I filled a mug with ale and eagerly brought it out to Ban, already knowing exactly what he would order.

"Hey Teenie," he spoke as I sat down across from him. 

"Gigantor," I responded with a cheeky smile. 

He was nearing seven feet while I was still only around five foot four. I kinda liked the height difference though, to be honest. We had always protected one another and him towering above me sort of made me feel really safe and secure with him.

"You almost done in here? I have to talk to you," he spoke somewhat seriously.

I immediately panicked, this sounded severe. What if he was dying or had a girlfriend or decided he hated me? Or what if he was going to finally ask ME out??? My heart began beating faster at the possibilities. 

Flustered, I stood up to go back in the kitchen while quickly responding, "Uhh, I should be done in about thirty minutes." He rolled his eyes at me and sipped his drink while I tripped over my own feet rushing to the kitchen.

When my shift finally ended I threw off my apron and sat back at the table with Ban.

"So what's up?" I asked nervously.

"Are we going to talk here?" He asked finishing his food and looking around at the now crowded inn. I shook my head and he stood up and held his hand out to me. My cheeks flushed and I looked down avoiding eye contact as I put my hand in his. I bit my lip trying to hide my uncontrollable smile and quick beating heart.

We walked hand in hand through town keeping up some small talk. 

It wasn't entirely unusual for us to hold hands or hug, we were just really used to being around each other and it was just normal for us. It wasn't romantic or intimate, just normal.

Thirty minutes later we had made it to one of our favorite spots in town, an old clock tower. We liked to come here at night, climb to the top and look at the stars. We made it up the stairs and climbed out onto the roof, our legs dangling over the edge.

It was a little chilly, but I didn't mind I was content. 

We looked up at the sky silently for a few minutes before Ban spoke up.

"I'm going to be leaving town for a while," he said softly.

My lips parted, my eyebrows furrowed together, and my heart practically broke. 

"What?" I managed to breathe out a single word.

He swallowed hard looking at my distressed features. "Hey, please don't be upset. It won't be forever, there's just-- there's something I have to do."

Don't be upset? How was I supposed to be?? He practically just dropped a bomb on me with zero explanation. I did not want to go back to being alone. It was so horribly miserable living with my parents with no friends or supportive family. As distraught as I was, I refused to cry. I hated being vulnerable, even around Ban. I didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, I didn't have to say anything yet, as Ban continued to talk. 

"Remember Zhivago?"

I nodded. Zhivago was the closest person Ban had ever had to a real father figure. He taught Ban everything he knew about stealing and survival, and most of all he showed him what it was like to be cared for and loved. I had met Zhivago once or twice before he mysteriously disappeared. He was just as warm and welcoming to me as he was to Ban.

I remember blushing as a kid when Zhivago would insinuate that I was Ban's girlfriend. He'd give us food and tell us stories.

"There's something I kind of want to prove to him," Ban said, smirking slightly thinking of his old companion.

I don't know if he was alive or not, but we hadn't seen him since he disappeared years and years ago. He was meant to help Ban out on a big stealing mission and never showed. Ban was horribly hurt after that and I had to nurse him back to health. What could he possibly have to prove to Zhivago who may or may not be alive?

"I- I don't know what to say Ban," was all I could muster. I didn't want to stop him if this is what he wanted to do, but I really couldn't imagine my life without him. I felt rejected. I had spent countless years of my life obsessed with him and now he's leaving just like that.

He scooched closer to me and put his arm over my shoulder. I looked up at him. 

"Can I leave you with a present?" He asked. Uhh, he didn't have anything with him, I don't know what kind of present he'd even get me.

As I was contemplating the logistics of his present, he leaned in closer to me and kissed me.

My eyes widened in shock, but I quickly closed them knowing that's how you're meant to kiss. I slowly began to kiss back, my heart racing faster than I thought humanly possible. I involuntarily whimpered when he pulled away, entirely too quickly.

Ban stood up and began to descend the stairs without another word.

I wanted to follow but I was stunned, all I could manage to do was trace my fingers over my lips trying to eternalize the feeling of his lips on mine. It was a soft and simple kiss, but I was addicted. 

A sad smile adorned my face as Ban made it out of the clock tower and he walked off into the night. I didn't know the next time I was going to see him.

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