12- Lion Sin

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At the bottom of the cliff we find a cave, it was perfect. We could hide out for a little bit while everyone tries to regain their strength.

I help up Jericho who is struggling to stand. I pick up Elaine, and Jericho and I each take one of Ban's arms slinging them over our shoulders, he uses us as support as we stumble into the cave.

As we walk further in there are lights strung up and support beams on the ceiling.

"Is this a mine or something?" Jericho asks.

We soon reach a door that has the words "My Sweet Gluttony," painted in pink on it. I push through the door and we see a scrawny man behind a bar. What a weird location for a tavern I think to myself.

"Greetings, welcome to My Sweet Gluttony." The man timidly greets us.

Jericho then collapses. I gasp and struggle to keep Ban upright while still holding Blondie.

The owner panics and runs up to her "Miss!?"

"Can we please hide here, we're being chased." I practically beg, barely standing myself.

He starts muttering about Holy Knights and The Seven Deadly Sins, I can't exactly pay attention as I try to hold the weight of two bodies along with my own. He recognizes Ban, but again I'm more focused on finding somewhere to hide knowing the demons can't be too far.

Ban and the owner of the place exchange a few words and I'm about ready to collapse, sweat drips down my brow and I squeeze my eyes tight trying to summon a bit more of strength.

"All right, please hide in the pantry." He finally says and I'm extraordinary relieved that I could finally rest.

The owner helps me share Ban's weight and Jericho follows us to the door of the pantry. I set down Elaine and Ban and crumple to the floor. I thank the owner profusely, he nods and closes the door.

I lift my head slightly and see Ban spooning Elaine in the middle of the room and Jericho sitting besides them. Seeing Ban hold her like that I felt myself retreating from reality as I cleared my mind and halted all emotions. I'd rather be an empty shell than a jealous prick.

I knew it would be best to stay up and listen for danger should we need to run again, but I chose my default option of sleep. I crawled to the furthest wall away from the others and curled into a tight ball, accustomed to sleeping in a narrow cage.

Sleep had always been my escape, and I really needed it right now. When I was sleeping I could still be a teenager with Ban at the top of our clock tower. I wasn't in a cage or being chased by demons, I was with my best friend wandering the streets of Ravens.

I didn't even hear the demons enter the tavern or attack the barkeep, I left reality and slept.

Jericho POV:

I have no idea how Julie fell asleep so quickly, she had retreated to the back of the room as soon as Ban and Elaine began cuddling up to one another.

He was so inconsiderate. She clearly had feelings for him and had a very damaged past and he threw her away the second Elaine showed up.

I listened through the door, the commandments were already here, but it seemed like the alcohol would entertain them for at least a little while.

I grew more concerned when I heard Galand challenge the tavern owner to a game where only one would emerge alive. Surely the scrawny little ginger would lose to the humongous metal demon. I heard a crash, and then it was relatively quiet.

It would probably be best for me to rest up, I wouldn't be able to carry Ban any further in this condition. So I followed suit with the others and went to sleep.

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