The Ghost of My Twin

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Heyy! I wrote this story for my English project.. so its kind of short. I'm dividing it into parts though :P hope you all like it <3


 Dear dairy,

  I never thought I would have such a horrible day in my 17 year old life! The tears are still streaming down my puffed up pink eyes. I can't BELIEVE this ACTUALLY happened! Everyone was crying all around me, so was Aunt June, and I heard she had never cried in her entire life for anything. There was rain that day, heavy rain falling from those enormous grey clouds, engulfing on us. It had seemed like the sky had joined us in the misery of a young soul leaving this world. Yes, it's true, Megan had left us, my only best friend, my only companion, my twin had left me!

(one week later)

I was shivering when I opened my eyes from the deep sleep I was trying to enjoy, but failed for the seventh time ever since the tragedy of Megan. I've been having abominable dreams about her, its like she's trying to tell me something, but is unable to. What is stopping her from telling me so? Or am I just imagining this because of the heavy shock I had to take. I thought of diverting my mind from this incident, so I got up from my bouncy, fluoresce pink bed and looked at myself in the mirror, I could see my messy golden-brown hair fall on my face and my burning blue eyes were still red and puffed from the hour-long crying sessions I had, or I'm still having.. And then I remembered that these eyes will never be able to see Megan's beautiful face ever again.

I hesitated for a moment, and then realized its Monday, which means school. No, I'm not going to school today, I thought. I know I wouldn't be able to bare that place and those people; they will just evoke even more memories of Megan in my mind. Isn't it all ready enough I have to breathe in the same room as Megan once used to? Oh God, I have to stop thinking about her. 

Just then, I heard mum call out my name. "Liz!" she she shouted, this was the first time I've heard her voice in one week. 

"Coming mum!" I yelled, and I rushed down the stairs to see mum cook breakfast. She hadn't cooked food in the kitchen for a while. I could smell the delightful fresh, warm pancakes placed on our square dining table. I quickly sat on the chair and helped myself with some food, as I was starving and I hadn't eaten' anything properly for quite a few days. I turned around to see dad sitting in the corner on his sofa reading the newspaper quietly. It wasn't soon after I realized that my 14 year old brother, Josh was to be seen nowhere. 

"Where's Josh?" I asked mum. 

"Sleeping, I guess" replied mum. And right then I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. It was Josh, still in his pajama's, usual untidy hair, but something was different about him.. Oh my god! He actually washed his face!. This was really unusual of him to do this. I saw his expression change when glanced at the fresh food kept on the table. In a hurry, he too sat on the chair and helped himself with food. 

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. "Would you go open the door for me honey and check who it is?" asked mum looking at me, I could see the deep sorrow in her eyes. 

"Sure mum" I replied. I got up and I was on my way walking toward the door, when suddenly there was loud ear-splitting  ringing noise in my ears. I couldn't feel the steps I was taking; my feet were numb, my head felt dizzy, it wasn't soon later I fell on the ground, there was a cold sensation inside my skin, instantly, there were black spots filling up my eyes..

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