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"Her ass is out of this world!"

"Yeah, she's like a fucking pornstar with that body."

"I would love to get me a piece of her."

"Uh-huh, I'd tap that."

These were only some of the comments on Momo's most recent dance video. 

All they wanted saw was her body and good looks. Nobody paid any attention to how her ribs were clearly visible, even though she was just standing normally. 

Nobody paid attention to how her hips were jutting out of her skin. 

Nobody saw the heavy bags underneath her exhausted eyes.

It hurt.

A lot.

She wanted to be seen. Appreciated for her talents.

Not like this. Not like some piece of meat to be examined, evaluted.

She wanted to be treated like a normal human being, not like the idol Momo. 

The woman who likes to dance.

Who loves her dog.

Who's favorite movie is Monster Inc. 

Who appreciates her members, loves them with all her heart.

Who stares into space randomly because her thoughts take over, and she's wondering if all she's ever worked for is worth the pain and trouble.

If it's worth the starvation and constant judgement, no private life, always working.

Always the same thing. Is it worth it anymore?

She wonders.

She holds Boo close. She named him after her favorite character.

She sits in the empty dance practice room. The mirror reflects her empty gaze.

Momo closes her eyes. It's dark. It's nice.

Suddenly she's on the roof. The railing is right in front of her.

She lifts a foot onto it, stepping on the little edge on the other side,

She's straddling the railing now. It presses against her thigs.

She steps onto the edge, her hands on the railing the only thing keeping her from falling.

She lets go.

Air surrounds her. It's cold. 

It's shocking. She realises what she's doing too late.

She's smiling. She's given up. 

"Is this what it's like to be free?"

She loves her members. She doesn't want them to miss her.

Momo being gone was unexpected. She had always been there, though they might have not noticed her at first. It's only when she's nowhere to be found that people start to wonder where's she's disappeared to. 

Nobody finds her.

She's gone.

Never to be seen again.

It hurts. So much.

But she's happy.

So I'm happy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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