Chapter 33.

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"But I can't find the right one!" I whined to Alena and Xandra,while I stood in front of a big mirror in a wedding dress boutiqe. Me,Alena and Xandra are here today,to find my wedding dress! But we have a small problem...I can't find the right one. We have been in like five diffremt stores and I haven't even found ONE that I really like...

This is hard.

I mean im going to get married in one week!!! And I haven't even found a fucking dress yet!

"I like that one. But I think actually this is the one!" Xandra said as she had one more wedding dress in her arms. It was packed in,so I coudn't really see it until she took it out...

"Omg! It's perfect!!" Alena said,as she looked at it with wide eyes,and a big smile on her lips while she nodded.

And let me tell you...I have found my dress!!

"Try it on!" Xandra said and throw the dress at me,and lauging at Alena,who still stood there with her mouth open.

"Don't catch any flies!" I yelled as I went back to the changing room.

I put the dress on. It was white. With floral patterns and different patterns that went down to the waist. It had no sleeves,and it was like a princess dress! When I looked at myself in the mirror my eyes started to tear up...I finally found the dress,that I wanted Xander and everyone else to see me in. It made my waist a little smaller whick I loved,and my hips a little bit wider. Making my body look amazing!

"Are you done? We want too see!!" Alena whined outside the changing room

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"Are you done? We want too see!!" Alena whined outside the changing room. I chuckled and got out from the room. When they saw me both of their mouths fell open,and eyes wide. Panick began to spread in my body.

Didn't it look good?

"What? What's wrong! Is it ugly?" And right when I finished my sentence Xandra broke it.

"No!!! You-You look like a princess. No,a Queen!" She said,still looking at my dress with wide eyes.

"You sure you still wamt to marry,Xander? I am still open for you!" Alena said quickly,her eyes looking in mine,a hope in them that I will turn around on Xander and marry her instead.

I laughed at her action. She's trying to steel me from my man!

"No,Alena...Im still going to marry Xander. He's the only one for me,in my eyes. And in my life!" I said and chuckled,her face falled in disapointment.

"Okay then! As you want!" She said,and got out from the room. Making me and Xandra laugh. She's only grumpy for a little while. She'll come around.

Xandra made her way up to me. Looking me in the eyes,with so much Love amd adoration...

"Oh, look so Lovely." She said and cupped my cheek. We're almost on the same level,only that I am a little taller then her. My face snuggled into her hand. Realxing in her hand. Making me feel safe. Loved like a daughter.

"Thank you for being with my son. He really found his Queen." She said. Kissing my cheek.

"And thank you god for giving us this Angel." She said and looked up,north.

We bought the dress and packed it up. Hidding it in the bag,so that Xnader wouldn't be able to see it before the wedding.

"You still angry with me?" I asked Alena as we made our way out of the store. I put my hand on her shoulder,making her look on my hand. It looked like she was thinking about it for a second,before a smile slide up her red lips. Her blue eyes conectimg with my brown ones. She looked st me and said "No. But I will never stop trying. Come on, I am hungry we need to eat!" She said. I just stood there while she started to walk towards a resturant I guess.

I looked at Xandra. We looked at each other before we both burst out laughing like crazy.

We followed Alena to a mexican resturant. As we foumd a table for three we sat on the chairs. Alena needed to use the bathroom,so she walked to the bathroom,while me and Xandra waited for our food we orderd. There sat two blond girls on the table besides us. It wasn't near,but we could still hear what they talked about. That's when we heard what they said...

"Omg,do you see that girl's ring!? She must be a gold digger. I mean look at her!" One of them whisperd to her friend. It made me look their way,only to see them already looking at me with a disgusting look on their plastic faces. They both have made their lips and have tons of makeup. They didn't even look human. What the fuck.

"Excuse me,before you say something like that to someone,or talking to someone like that,you get the information about the person first. You don't judge someone by their look,clothes or stuff. And no,im not a gold digger. My soon to be husband is Xander Dattilo. Bitch!" I said,making tveir jaws dropp open.

That didn't they expect,huh!?

"Close your mouth so you don't catch flies." I said turning my head back to Xandra. She looked at me,trying to hold in her laugh. She had her hand over her mouth,really trying to hold it in.

Don't mess with people. And don't talk to someone like that. Fucking bitches!



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