Chapter 34.

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"I can't belive it...Xander Dattilo,the big maffia boss,and the one that said only a few months ago that you'd would never marry someone!" Xavier said as he stood in the door frame. His hands in his pockets,and his leg over the other. Looking at me,who stood in front of a mirror in a store for wedding suits.

"Hey dickhead,instead of standing there and look like an ass,could you tell me what you think?" I said and turned around. I had white buttom up shirt,cream colour pants,and braces and a brown belt. And a pair of black dress shoes.

 And a pair of black dress shoes

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I looked handsome I can't deny that

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I looked handsome I can't deny that...

"Yeah. That's the one! You actully look hot,fratello." He said and pushed his body off of the door frame.

"Thanks...I actully like it!" I said and looked again in the mirror. It looks good. Stylish but still simple.

"Alex,Andre,Giovanni! Come in here!" Xavier yelled for them to come in to the room. Once they all came in they stood besides me.

"Wha-oh fucking hell,Evangeline is going to faint when she sees you!" Alex said with wide eyes as he scanned my clothes.

"Non posso credere che sposerai qualcuno." Giovanni said,as his hand raked through his brown hair.
(I can't belive you are going to marry someone.)

"Anche io. Ma non me ne pento, nemmeno un secondo. La amo. E lo farò sempre."I told them all,Honestly.
(Me too. But I don't regret it, not even a second. I love her. And I always will.)

"There's not one second I regret or think of someone else...beacuse it's only her. No one else." I looked at them in the eyes. Something like that has never come out from my mouth.

"This is it. This is what we are going to wear at the wedding." I said,and they all nodded and smiled.

"We are proud of you,brother." Andre said and pulled me into a brotherly hug. And so the other guys.

"You are going to be a perfect husband and wife!" Giovanni said and hugged me too.

"Let's go and pay and then eat something,like I am starving!" Xavier said,turnimg around to the door and was planning to walk out,but my hand found the back of his head,making him frown and look at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and pointed to Andre,who was talking in the phone with that guy he and Evangeline met at the mall. I don't remember his name,but he seems nice.

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now